Non Game Use


Still Fresh
Jun 2, 2007
A. Software Factor

I'm not sure wether my wish is at application , emulation, or firmware level

I Think it'll be good if there is a solution to make this device to run in 2 modes :

1. Default mode
2. Special mode

I Have GP2X (not wiz) on hand, including it's BoB
I Knew that we can attach USB Keyboard to it.
And Since it have Paralel, Com, USB-Host ports .. I Knew that we can attach more device

What wish is :
- Boot the device
- After some boot sequence, it wait (with time out limit, say 5 sec) for a password
- If it got a good password, it proceed to default mode ... just a normal GP2X/GP2XWiz
- If No or Wrong password, It proceed to "Special Mode"

What I mean with "Special Mode" is a mode when it only run single application, i.e:
- Telemetry
- Robotic, Include but not limited to :
++ Home automation
++ Industial Control
++ In-Car data terminal
++ GPS Drive
- Customer Queing System
- Etc etc

"Default mode" Still needed for :
- Configuring
- System Administration function

B. Physical Factor
I Think it'll be great if there is a CAD file of the Back-Part of it's case.
With this .. we can mod our own Back-part case.
What it good for :
-Add more room at the back to hide additional devices (i.e:GPS, ADC/DAC)
-Add custom mounting methode (adopting Vesa Standard)
- Make it 2-Din standard
