Nvidia's Project Shield - 'Android & Tegra 4 inside'

Will it be at PAX which is coming up in Melbourne?

Have no clue what PAX is about, so apologies if this is a stupid question.
Nvidia had a big booth for the Shield at PAX east.. I assume they would go to Australia as well..
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Penny Arcade eXpo (PAX)


Penny Arcade eXpo (PAX) is a series of gaming festivals held in Seattle, Boston, and Melbourne, Australia. PAX was created by Jerry Holkins and Mike Krahulik, the authors of the Penny Arcade webcomic, because they wanted to attend a show that gave equal attention to console gamers, computer gamers, and tabletop gamers


On topic...

I wonder what next year's Nvidia Shield will look like?
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Cool , ill check it out there. You going SONY?
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SONY said:
:(Also, re: Nvidia...They should release a fully fledged home x86 console to rival PS4 and XBONE.
I think the steam box should have a gtx 650 as standard, a supped up wiiU when paired with shield
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I'm hoping the steam box will be sold as an os that will work on any capable gaming hardware. Would also be nice if you could launch other Linux programs right from the os, like emulators and xbmc. Would be like how my windows htpc currently functions but much more refined. I can only hope.
^ Steam box has gone very quite , if it does come out, my money is on a VR console.
SONY said:
:(Also, re: Nvidia...They should release a fully fledged home x86 console to rival PS4 and XBONE.
I think the steam box should have a gtx 650 as standard, a supped up wiiU when paired with shield
amd kaveri bro.

god damn amd... thank goodness it's not the official steambox

I would be very disapoint
that isnt the top of the line apu...its a 40W part most likely the a10-4600m...mobile trinity.

for what is it, its not that bad. about the size of an ouya and enough performance to compete with last gen consoles.

if it was the a10-5700/5800k it formfactor would be completely screwed and intel/nvidia wont have a good combo for the formfactor.
^ you are quick SONY, Ill have to work on my draw

@Android , does this mean you get $50 back from 
just got an email saying my pre-order will just be charged $299
If they really can sell this beast for just $299, then I know everything can be possible when it comes to Handhelds and price...  :rolleyes:  
people are still saying the $300 is too much... I don't know if they are hoping that if they bitch about it enough on enough sites that they will lower it some more or what? But I have a suspicion that there's a group of people going from website to website and posting on the news articles about how it will fail or is overpriced and whatnot.

$300 is an amazing price for the hardware when you consider that its not geared for the common person like the nexus 7 was. The subsidy from google on the google play store or amazon with it's kindle and it's own market and forced advertising. I felt $350 wasn't a bad price either.

Some people are just haters. I find it funny because if this was a sony or apple device people would be flocking to it in masses.
I called Nvidia..50 dollar refund once shipped....no bull. :)
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people are still saying the $300 is too much... I don't know if they are hoping that if they bitch about it enough on enough sites that they will lower it some more or what? But I have a suspicion that there's a group of people going from website to website and posting on the news articles about how it will fail or is overpriced and whatnot.

$300 is an amazing price for the hardware when you consider that its not geared for the common person like the nexus 7 was. The subsidy from google on the google play store or amazon with it's kindle and it's own market and forced advertising. I felt $350 wasn't a bad price either.

Some people are just haters. I find it funny because if this was a sony or apple device people would be flocking to it in masses.
Just ignore those trolls.
Android, the HW in the Shield is absolutely worth the $300 , no doubt.  Totally agree - actually probably more when you consider T4 devices that will come out probably at higher prices but with less features.

Problem is this though, $300 is expensive for a handheld, they are not trolls, they are the concensus amongst gamers.  They said the same thing - including myself about what the price should be before the first price announcement , and they are saying the same thing after the price announcement.   

The problem is this, and I said it from the beginning of this thread when I started it.  The main market for handhelds is in the $100-$200 range.  Even the Vita failed because it was too pricey at $250, it started to sell when some retailers in the US dropped the price to $200 in sales . And when its price dropped to $200 in Japan.  Even though sales of the Vita are a lot better now, they are not near the 3DS which can be bought for $169.  

It's basically an over capitalization example.  Like the person that spends $200,000 on a home extension and doesn't understand why he isn't getting any buyers when he goes to sell the house for a price that includes the $200K .  You got to know what the market will pay for your product ..

Does that  mean it won't sell, Of course it will sell in smaller numbers.  There's always a niche, the point here is that it's a niche and not the main market segment.  Consider it a top of the range, deluxe niche that they are going for . People will always call it expensive , just like a ferrari is - but it is good.
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That really makes sense to me, I have always accepted premium price for a premium product. What can I say? I like my toys. I guess lots of people see it differently though.

In that aspect, I guess this is going to have the same problems the pandora has in the end, just with many more eyes on it because it's from a big corp. One problem the pandora has and the sheild along with it, is there really isn't anything to directly compare it to... neither are a vita, a xbox, a ps3/4, it's not a tablet or a phone... it is it's own little crazy catagory of device. The only thing that really comes close are the el cheapo android handhelds from china... and well those are almost in their own little category due to their build quality and price point.

There's just nothing really out there for people to point at it and say well the value of this should be x because of comparable device y. People (aka mass market gamers) are doing a very piss poor job of judging the value based off stuff that already exists when they shouldn't be compared. I think that is what I was getting at. But as a game console I still feel the $300 rule applies because it is at least that.

Why am I so upset about it though? Well to be honest... I'm kinda scared... I have a strong feeling this is really going to preform very poorly in sales.. like pandora bad... it's not going to stop me from getting one in my hands of course, but no other company is ever going to try anything like it again, just like the xperia play, which was in my opinion a very awesome idea and a solid as hell product, but it had some BAAAAAAD sales, it ended up only being a single generation franchise that made a giant tombstone sitting in the middle of the road where it fell, detouring any other company from following down the same path agian.

I really love my open handhelds, and I just hate to see great innovative ideas die because of ignorance.
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I think the Shield will have a niche, if not just because of its PC Game streaming ability which seems to get talked about way more than its Android gaming capability by gamers. Will it be successful, well as long as its not canned, it's a success in my book , no matter what numbers it sells in.  

The important thing for you is not whether it succeeds or fails , but since it uses plain Android, it's whether Android (controller) gaming takes off - and personally I think we are only at the beginning of that.  Just look at whats starting to come in that area with Mad Catz MOJO etc.   At some point Google (and even Apple) are going to start getting serious about it also.