Odroid Or Moto Droid?


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2009
I'm currently considering the Droid 2 by Motorola, and I'm not sure of if I should go for this over the Odroid. What I'm primarily after is an Android device good for gaming (Odroid) yet within my grasp (Droid 2). Advice?
LOL, I'm quite aware of that, but to be honest, I have nobody to call. I'm just looking for an Android device, so phone aside, how do the Droid 2 and Odroid stack up against one another?
Jourdy288 said:
LOL, I'm quite aware of that, but to be honest, I have nobody to call. I'm just looking for an Android device, so phone aside, how do the Droid 2 and Odroid stack up against one another?

odroid as a gaming device sucks... the controls are horrible, they work but if you're like me it will be the biggest reason to just let it go. Aside from that one thing, although major, it's fine.
If you want a phone/pda with internet connectivity... get a droid 2

if you want an android device to see what android is like get one of these... it's alot cheaper

and it has the same/similar proc as the pandora just no hard buttons...

there is no happy medium, odroid is the closest, but it's not nearly good enough to pull me away from the pandora or even be a "good enough" alternative IMO
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Odroid-S rocks, the controls are a bit of alright, if and a big if, you don't smash the hell out of them like an f200, with a gentle touch the dpad is ok and works very well. Have not hit any maneuvers I could not perform with it yet.
Old topic, but if you want a Droid device, this is the one im getting, everything an iPod Touch is basically, except with HDMI out and MicroSD support and stuff.

4LPH4 W0LF said:
can someone tell me where to buy an Odroid-S?
I'm really not the type of person to nag on someone for not searching... I'm nowhere near a forum nazi.....

...but if you just type Odroid into google it's the first result... and 2nd... www.hardkernel.com
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jb0yx said:
4LPH4 W0LF said:
can someone tell me where to buy an Odroid-S?
I'm really not the type of person to nag on someone for not searching... I'm nowhere near a forum nazi.....

...but if you just type Odroid into google it's the first result... and 2nd... www.hardkernel.com
i tried that. im looking for the Odroid-S model, which hardkernel is sold out of.
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4LPH4 W0LF said:
jb0yx said:
4LPH4 W0LF said:
can someone tell me where to buy an Odroid-S?
I'm really not the type of person to nag on someone for not searching... I'm nowhere near a forum nazi.....

...but if you just type Odroid into google it's the first result... and 2nd... www.hardkernel.com
i tried that. im looking for the Odroid-S model, which hardkernel is sold out of.
they're the ones that make them, they are dev units so no commercial line exists and no re-sellers that I'm aware of
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Exophase said:
Do you have a source?

that's all my work, I spelled my name wrong on the post-it :embarrased: anyway, I used a dremel, original odroid and an old snes controller. Was hoping to see what people thought of it even though I'm only halfway finished with it.

Everything works but I'm having a hard time getting the abxy buttons to stay flat on the rubber pad of the old odroid it's slightly smaller than the original snes buttons so they are wanting to stay high in the middle and drop lower on the outside. The old dpad rubber pad and abxy are just entirely too big to fit. I'm going to try and find a rubber gasket ring for around the outside inside the case to hold the buttons in place.

Dpad works well but I'm going to permanently mount it to the rubber pad because I'm still getting a slight amount of play even though I notched the inside of the case to hold the dpad in place.

EDIT: Just had an idea I might drill out the buttons themselves to fit the triangle shapes of the rubber pad.

Once I fix those things, I'll glue it all back together and throw up a video or two.
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Oh wow, slick work jb0yx. If the kinks are smoothed out this could be a real sort of killer app. I take it the shoulders are probably a no-go given the different kind of technology used for them? Unfortunate if true, because the shoulder approach on the Odroid sounds really shoddy.

We may never see an awful lot of Odroids out in the wild, but would you be interested in selling this sort of mod service for others?
Exophase said:
Oh wow, slick work jb0yx. If the kinks are smoothed out this could be a real sort of killer app. I take it the shoulders are probably a no-go given the different kind of technology used for them? Unfortunate if true, because the shoulder approach on the Odroid sounds really shoddy.

We may never see an awful lot of Odroids out in the wild, but would you be interested in selling this sort of mod service for others?
I'm working on a a way to make the shoulder buttons work, the touch sensitive inputs look like they use the same premise as the capacitive screen, but they both have 2 leads like any other electronic switch, and the original snes controller has 2 small boards for each of the buttons with 1 incomming and1 outgoing leads on it, basically closing the circut when the button in pressed, should be simple enough to desolder or just bypass the capactive touch buttons all together. Only problem is space with that solution, and that is something I'm kind of running out of, I'm sure I'll figure it out though, but I'm looking at it.

I'm not interested in selling my work.... at least not for money. I'm in no situation to do this in a mass production basis and it's a bit of work. Would be willing to show it to hardkernel to see if they are willing to re-think their crappy control scheme.
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