One PND a Day [Ended]


Serial Porter
Aug 15, 2012
France, near Lyon
So, while most of us are in confinement, I decided to do an One PND a Day operation.
Not sure how long it will last...

Many will use box86 (because there isn't much native games left to build as a pnd that havn't been published yet), and many will be Demo of commercial games (using box86 :p), but there will be some native build too, and full games, and other stuffs

Note that it seems Locomalito games will crash on older SGX Driver, so may need to use recent one to get those running.

Here is the recap of what happened (updated daily)

24/03: SRB2Kart / Descent 3 Demo / Eric's Ultimate Solitaire Demo - yeah, 3 PND, as kind of a Start of the event
25/03: Heretic II Demo - Demo of the famous Third Person Shooter.
26/03: Endless Form Most Beautiful - An interesting arcade game from locomalito
27/03: Robin Hood: The Legend of Sherwood Demo - A Demo, of a tactical game
28/03: The Curse of Issyos / an update of Maldita Castilla - (Difficult) Arcade games from Locomalito
29/03: Chicken Invaders: The Next Wave Demo - A casual (but fun) shoot'm up
30/03: Neko Puzzle - A puzzle game from Lexaloffle (creator of pico8)

31/03: SimCity 3000 Unlimited Demo - Demo of the famous city "mayor" simulator
01/04: LBreakoutHD - An arkanoid clone. And this one is native and opensource, and doesn't use box86.
02/04: Shogo: MAD Demo - Demo of the famous FPS Shogo. The linux port is from Hyperion Software this time.
03/04: Arkos Tracker 2 - A Tracker for CPC (and other compatible computer with similar sound chip) music, using box86 also.
04/04: Chicken Invaders 3: Revenge of the Yolk Demo - Another Demo of the Chicken Invaders serie (sprite are bigger, making it more fun to play on the Pandora).
05/04: Violetland - A native "dual-stick" shooter, but with controls like FPS... Tricky to master.
06/04: Hyperspace Delivery Boy Demo - A Demo of a puzzle game (that can also be run on SCUMMVM, I know), but this version use box86.

07/04: Typhoon 2001 - A remake of Tempest, using box86 and gl4es.
08/04: Candy Cruncher Demo - Demo of a kind of Match-3 game, using box86 again.
09/04: NXEngine-evo - A newer version of the NXEngine, to play CaveStory. That's a native port this time.
10/04: Chicken Invaders 4: Ultimate Omelette Demo - demo of yet another casual shoot'em up
11/04: Herby - a little labyrinth game from Crystal Shard (both native and box86 version this time)
12/04: Chicken Invaders 5: Cluck of the Dark Side Demo - Last demo episode of the Chicken Invaders serie (and yes, still using box86 & gl4es)
13/04: CartLife, Undertale launcher, FTL launcher, Super Hexagon launcher and Waking Mars launcher - So one full game and 4 (box86/gl4es) Launchers to end this event
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Probably yes. You'll need to analyze a bit the PND, to check where are the folder name and so, but yeah, it's possible.
For which game are you asking?

I haven't tried the new ones. I was asking so I could be prepared if Shogo came out :)
And the first week of the One PND a Day is over... A few issues along the road, with the need to re-upload a few PND, and not that much download (I wasn't expecting hundreds of download anyway), but I hope you did found some quality stuff there.
And the first week of the One PND a Day is over... A few issues along the road, with the need to re-upload a few PND, and not that much download (I wasn't expecting hundreds of download anyway), but I hope you did found some quality stuff there.

You never stop.

I highly appreciate what you do for our community :)
Thanks a lot ptitSeb.
I mostly use my Pandora so I'm not using it a lot since the start of the confinement, but I'll probably download them once I start playing on the train again.
Thanks Seb for all the work done to entertain us during this pandemic time.

If you need some more games to made work on Pandora the Crystal Shard page on moddb have some of they games released freeware (full) for Linux & Windows. They are mostly AGS games so i tried to use the (old) PND of AGS but they didn't work, maybe they need an updated release of AGS.

The link is
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It's awesome that stuff is still being released for the Pandora. New releases like these make it feel current again though in fact, only the sluggish internet experience make it not so.
The Pandora is still an awesome device for playing games, and it does so very well because of the effort put in by you @ptitSeb @notaz @Farox and other porters/devs.
I applaud you all!
My unit currently holds more games than I could ever play so I guess it will never go old.
After I receive my Pyra, and a lot of the software becomes available on that, the Pandora might end up in a glass cabinet but I will never let it go... <3

Thanks for the love!
Wow! Thank you for these new apps! I recently got back into using my Pandora since the lockdown and it's so much more beautiful to use than I remember. A real joy to use, so I can't wait to try these out.