Hmmm. Interesting
comments over at
El Reg
I think Suse is pretty good.They really give an effort, you only have to look at their desktop environment.
While other distros just stick with what comes from Gnome - KDE, they dig in deep, and integrate stuff as much as possible. Everthing that's screaming bleeding edge is there. It's not enabled by default, but accessible.
However - nobody actually knows how many of this is developed in Redmont. I have friends at Microsoft Germany - and believe you me - they know Suse by heart. Other distros mess with Mono - .NET is almost ready for Suse.
I have seen Silverlight run on Suse like it was XP. Soon, very soon, Suse will be something like XP, only with a different file system/desktop. I admire Suse for their work, but I wouldn't want a Linux distro that is MS-influenced in any way.
Sadly, a Linux which is 'as MS compatible as possible' will soon find it's way to the hearts of IT execs, in any mixed-OSed company.
Some FSF worshippers invented the punchline: 'Not a single line of code for Novell/Suse', which, is of course, wishful thinking. You can't restrict access to 'true believers'.
Fsck GPL3, how can anyone prove GPLed code in binaries that come without source ?
IMHO any individual that cares about open source, should mark Suse as commercial and 'soon to be proprietary' , and stay away from it. If you really need an OS that can do what Windows does - then use Windows.
If you care about 'free as in beer' use true GNU/Linux or BSD. It's as simple as that. There's nothing in between.
... plus more FUD after that one <_<