Origin of name 'Pandora'

Of course, it's from the ancient Greek myth where Pandora opened a jar and let out various evils.

I wonder if Craig knew just how much trouble he was going to encounter building that little box...
Of course, it's from the ancient Greek myth where Pandora opened a jar and let out various evils.

I wonder if Craig knew just how much trouble he was going to encounter building that little box...

nope, you newb, it's related to a multimillion dollar film production... or not??? :D
It's loosely based off the Borderlands world... or could be the world where those Republican hating blue aliens come from. Or the ancient Greek myth that prophesied that Evil Dragon would cause that volcanic eruption in Iceland..
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In the original myth, the name Pandora comes from a combination of Greek words meaning "All Gifted." Which really fits the keyboard-and-gaming-controls Pandora.
youre also not the only person to safricanamericans when you think about customs receiving a box with pandora written on it are wonder if they should open it to check it out
It's an odd thing. When I finally get my Pandora delivered and there right in front of me is the Pandora's box. The only thing not in that box is hope. As I have kept Hope, outside the box, and close to me for past 18 months. :p
youre also not the only person to safricanamericans when you think about customs receiving a box with pandora written on it are wonder if they should open it to check it out
I'm pretty sure that wasn't intended to be a racist joke, but that substitution made it one...
Try "snicker." I'm pretty sure "snigger" isn't a word.


vi \ˈsni-gər\

snig·gered snig·ger·ing

Definition of SNIGGER

: snicker

— snig·ger·er noun

Examples of SNIGGER

1. <we sniggered as the actor kept forgetting his lines>

Origin of SNIGGER

by alteration

First Known Use: circa 1706

Related to SNIGGER

Synonyms: laugh, smile, snicker, sneer

[Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary]
I should've elaborated on my question. I was under the impression that 'Pandora's box' was, at least in modern translation, a bad thing to have/open/etc. I totally forgot about the 'All Gifted' notion -- being why she was given a bunch of gifts, including that box -- to begin with. Thanks for the clarification.

Also nice to see that not only did 'snigger', a word whose use I enjoy, made an appearance here, but so did my *new* favorite word, safricanamerican.

ps. For a second, Aethix, when I read your post about 'Firefox's spellchecker screwing you over', my mind forgot who wrote 'safricanamerican' and imagined that you were referring to Firefox having *autocorrected* snigger in your post to safricanamerican. I imagined the incessant MS Word-type autocorrector that constantly turns "s into fancy double quotes, and my ...s into single character ellipses, also now forcefully changing 'the n word' into africanamerican. In that split second of misunderstanding, I also wasn't surprised that that's what Firefox had started doing.
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I tried to come up with a name (not acronym) which worked in all languages. Pandora seemed to work.
Pandora's box was in the original not a box, but a pythos, a huge storage jar (sometimes as large as a human). I'm just happy the Pandora diddn't turn out to be that big :)

I imagined the incessant MS Word-type autocorrector that constantly turns "s into fancy double quotes, and my ...s into single character ellipses
Yeah, it really gets on the nerves to have to hit ctrl-z everytime to revert the auto"correction" - especially when you write code tutorials or something similar :) (And I don't use word often enough to go through the hassle of finding the autocorrection settings in the past-2000 awful user interface)
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I tried to come up with a name (not acronym) which worked in all languages. Pandora seemed to work.
FYI, in my country a Bandora (Arabic doesn't have the letter P, for us Pepsi is Bebsi) a Bandora means tomato, so my friends used to make fun of my $xxx tomato box, now that I got it, they are all jealous and keep asking to try it but I always tell them to f*ck off and suck my "cucumber" :D