Our Devs Are Great!

I would like to thank all the devs too. Specially to the creators of:

- Picodrive
- The lynx emu!

Thanks again!
Lazy devs.

I mean, Who the hell do they think they are: sleeping at night, eating meals, leaving the PC for real life stuff when they could easily get 20 hours of coding a day in.

Just because they do it for free they think they have the right to have normal lives? More coding and less sleeping/eating/ going to the toilet is what I say!

Just kidding: good on you guys! You know we love you (in a platonic way!)
Hails: rlyeh, notaz, Squidge, Reesy, zodttd, NK, Vobbo, pepone, critical, Dzz, paeryn and all the others I forgot. You do great things.
Thanks everyone, especially fDave (for Cyclone... still affecting us all years after developed), Notaz (Picodrive, Cyclone fixes), Reesy (DrMd), Squidge (SquidgeSnes), and whoever did the NGPC emu (apologies, I can't remember who created that one). Plus Zodttd (godlike dev person of Psx4GP2x and GPSP fame, let alone TTD; I'm sure you all know him) and the guys who made GhostPix, which whenever I actually get onto the GP2x these days seems to eat my time!

And of course Rlyeh (minimal library) and Ryo (such a lovely interface)

And everyone else, of course, who I've missed off! You make this handheld live!
Yeah thank you devs, and thank you donors :)
Without you, i would have way more time to do important stuff... like not playing gp2x.
The "official thread of thanks"!

I'd like to thank all the dev's here as well. Especially skeezix, as he may not be aware of it, but helped me a lot during PalmOS / Zodiac days. And I second the fDave thank-you! He also made PicoDrive.

I'd also like to thank the donators. Which reminds me, if you have donated to me, and never got a thank-you message, please PM me, it could be spam-blockers. I recently haven't heard back from Krischan, Phillip, and Philipp. :)

Oh, and thanks to all who keep my threads alive. :)
Yes, thank you all devs. You guys are the reason I bought my gp2x. Once again, thank you all. (Including the support from the community, its great here) :D
Thank you for bringing my childhood to my palms, you are the best developers any community would dream of getting support from, you bare all our nagging and you do your best, I hope you are enjoying developing all these great works as we are enjoying using/playing/watching them.
Thanks, for all the members who do not hesitate to share the knowledge they have and answer our questions, for all the mods who keep this forum as it is, you are our safety net.
And thank you, yes you, even if you were not a developer, just by reading these topics and asking questions for problems you are facing, the answers you get save many of us alot of the trouble we might face.
Thanks devs, for ignoring my stupid questions in the developer help forum long enough for me to figure out my stupid mistakes myself :D Invaluable learning occurring here. Seriously.

(EDIT: Umm, I wish I had other stuff to say, but I primarily have this thing to tinker with code on. So heh :) )
Thanks to all the devs and the ones that don't even code for the 2x but have inspired the ones that do.
Also thanks for answering any and all the question us newbie programs have, it's great to know there's back up here when we need it.
Thanks for all you've contributed to the GP2X and keepin' it alive.

It is very much appreciated and my respect goes out to ALL of you :)