Release Pandora Microbes!

Known bug (will be solved in the next version): the speech will always say "10 lives left" (or whatever the original number was) when you lose lives.
added some code support for new features (no levels yet that use these features though): multiple defend spots, walls that block attacks

I will definitly make some levels which use this features.


(For grand fortress especially)

I tried out to play with Tv out.

Main layer does make no picture.

Overlay does not start the game and delete my saves.

Wat are the settings you used?
I don't know how to play the game with TV out - I cannot test this myself since I don't have a cable.

The game uses notaz' SDL, so I assume that makes a difference.
The tv-out problem seems to be DSS2 (video driver) related, it used to accept 800x480 resolution for tv-out but no longer does on the latest kernel. Will have to investigate..
For version 0.8 I'm experimenting with new graphics for the enemy microbes. In particular, I'm gonna break their symmetry and make it clear where they are headed. Would pacman-style microbes look too weird? It gives of course an instant retro feeling to the game, which is cool in a way, but I'm a bit afraid it just looks funny instead of "scary" and not sufficiently "biological" or "realistic" (not that the current graphics look realistic). Suggestions or comments are welcome :)
This is why I don't like touch-based games: what's the point of having fancy graphics if you're gonna cover them with your finger anyway? :)

The 3D glowy translucent stuff with lots of particles and nice shading looks nice, but I don't think I can do that kind of stuff - mostly because I don't have the skills, but perhaps also because it takes lots of CPU/GPU to do that, e.g. the second link says:

System Requirements:

CPU Cores: Dual Core 2.0 GHz

Minimum RAM: 2GB

DirectX Version: DirectX 9.0b

Graphics Card RAM: 1GB

Graphics Card: DirectX 9.0b

Graphics Card Shader Model: 3.0
For version 0.8 I'm experimenting with new graphics for the enemy microbes. In particular, I'm gonna break their symmetry and make it clear where they are headed. Would pacman-style microbes look too weird? It gives of course an instant retro feeling to the game, which is cool in a way, but I'm a bit afraid it just looks funny instead of "scary" and not sufficiently "biological" or "realistic" (not that the current graphics look realistic). Suggestions or comments are welcome :)

That's what betas are for.

Make a second level pack with those packman style enemys.

We'll see which one's better then and keep it for 0.9.
This is why I don't like touch-based games: what's the point of having fancy graphics if you're gonna cover them with your finger anyway? :)

The 3D glowy translucent stuff with lots of particles and nice shading looks nice, but I don't think I can do that kind of stuff - mostly because I don't have the skills, but perhaps also because it takes lots of CPU/GPU to do that, e.g. the second link says:

System Requirements:

CPU Cores: Dual Core 2.0 GHz

Minimum RAM: 2GB

DirectX Version: DirectX 9.0b

Graphics Card RAM: 1GB

Graphics Card: DirectX 9.0b

Graphics Card Shader Model: 3.0
Yes, I also don't like Touchscreen games but I don't have an iPhone/pad or whatever so I usualy don't come in contact with this newfashioned disease. :D

The Examples were basicly about the shape and forms, not about the effects. ;) I know that this stuff is complex and nobody needs that eyecandy in a TD game. I just wanted to show some possible ways to draw "organic" stuff. :)
For version 0.8 I'm experimenting with new graphics for the enemy microbes. In particular, I'm gonna break their symmetry and make it clear where they are headed. Would pacman-style microbes look too weird? It gives of course an instant retro feeling to the game, which is cool in a way, but I'm a bit afraid it just looks funny instead of "scary" and not sufficiently "biological" or "realistic" (not that the current graphics look realistic). Suggestions or comments are welcome :)

That's what betas are for.

Make a second level pack with those packman style enemys.

We'll see which one's better then and keep it for 0.9.

If you don't mind I'm just going to replace the enemy graphics completely (don't worry, I'll keep the old code in case people want me to revert to the old graphics). I'm hoping you guys will like the new graphics so there's no need to go back to the old style.

It's also fine.

I simply thoughed you might want to keep the old ones as well in your game.

Give me your mew graphics and we'll see.

I'm on holliday next week and don't have internet access.

So no feedback from me if youu release it next week.

Untill friday I can tets your new graphics.
OK, I'll post a 0.8-preview here, so you guys can beta-test it and give some feedback before I release it on the repo next week.

New terrain types (in case you want to make new levels or tweak the existing ones):

$: wall that also protects against microbe attacks

%: wall that blocks your attacks but lets microbe attacks through

&: wall that blocks all attacks

': microbe safe path: no building, blocks your attacks, lets microbe attacks through and they can also walk here
Here's a preview version of 0.8 for Gadgetoid and Askarus and whoever wants to try it or make levels before the actual 0.8 is released.



  • microbes0.8-preview.pnd
    8.2 MB · Views: 174
I've pushed SDL fix for tv-out. That was not sufficient at first for my testing, but that turned out to be a problem of my settings having 0 width and height for TV, so I tweaked OS scripts to not allow that too. For now _wb_ needs to update SDL and users need to be sure width/height (overscan config) has reasonable settings in tv-out config and it should work.
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Thanks for your effort Notaz.

Here's a preview version of 0.8 for Gadgetoid and Askarus and whoever wants to try it or make levels before the actual 0.8 is released.

Thanks for uploading before my hollidays.

That looks much better now.

Maybe you could also the defending units more vital.

Why does Gatgetoid get his own Levelpack. I also want one.

:) No, just kidding.

Hopefully Hollidays will give me some time to think about new levels and I'll bring some with me.

Finally you removed this Wesnoth Theme.

If you've finished Microbes and still like making tower defence games we can coop any time to make an medieval style one :) . Your whole game engine/physicsis great and I'd like to see more games with it :) .

I have one problem with your level select method.

If there are more maps it's hard to find any map.

Wouldn't this be better:

First option in menue is "Level Select"

If you select this option you go into a submenu.

Submenu has two options on the left: 1: classical paths 2: oen fields

If you press right on the D-Pad on the right side a top-down list will appear which shows the level names of all paths/open field levels and a preview in the background. It also shows the levels name, not only a number.

Now you can press Enter/B on the level you want toplay and game will start.

(Wheter a game is classical path or open field might be added in the Level's text file or you could make 2 Sub folders in each theme folder.

If we will get more maps there is needed a system like that to avoid confusion.

Top-down lists are always nice to navigate through and he Levels anme is also beter than simply a number.

I don't know if you like that idea and how had it is to make it reality. It's just some idea that might help to get the overview if there are more levels.
Thanks, notaz! I'll include the latest git version of your SDL into the next Microbes release.


I agree that a better level selection mechanism would be nice. Maybe something like the level selection in Enigma (the marble puzzle game): a grid of previews with level names. The distinction between classical paths and open fields is not very clear, since levels can combine the two. There are also other ways to classify levels. I think it's best to have the level pack as the only toplevel choice (of course level packs could group similar styles of levels) for now. I'll have to use precomputed level previews instead of generating them on the fly, so this will require some implementation effort. But the feature request is noted :)

You can have your own level pack :) . The grouping of levels in level packs needs some more thought; ideally, I would want each level pack to be a coherent campaign scenario, not just a random collection of levels. Just like in Wesnoth. There would be a main theme (in this case microbes) in which most of the scenarios fit in some way, but there is no reason not to have other themes too in the same game. Most of the content can be customized without touching the code, so there's no real reason to fork the game for different (e.g. medieval) themes, except maybe that the game title and backstory are currently fixed (would be easy to have different backstories for each level pack though).

I could add some animation to the defending units, but it's not high on my priority list at the moment.
Just a quick status report:

- the new level selection screen with multiple previews: I still intend to do this at some point, because it would make it more user-friendly, but it's not at the top of my priorities since it doesn't really add new functionality or change the actual game play. Maybe this will have to wait until after the first non-beta release (1.0).

- currently started working on a level editor, which should make it much easier to make your own levels (I'm hoping people will share their self-made levels though)

- meanwhile, please try the 0.8-preview and give me feedback on that one.

When the level editor is finished I'll call it 0.8 and update it on the repo.
Version 0.8 is on the repo!

What's new?

- level editor!


- new microbe graphics (you can now see their direction)

Here's how the epidemics editor looks like: (part of the level editor)


- some gameplay changes:

- speeding up gives some energy bonus

- obstacles now act as a shield, protecting units behind it

(Big Obstacle and Lysozyme only)

- new terrain types:

- blocking wall (blocks your attacks)

- protecting wall (blocks microbe attacks)

- solid wall (blocks all attacks)

- microbe safe path (microbes cannot be hurt here)

Have fun!