Release Thread: Original Games


Staff member
Mar 4, 2003
Original Game
Author: Ian Price


AquaVenture is a semi-turn based arcade adventure game.

Download Pandora Version
Download Caanoo Version
Download WIZ Version
Download Windows Version

Chav Fighter
Original Game
Author: Slenkar


Clear the streets of chavs so people can go shopping in peace.

Download Pandora Version (Android)

Earth Invasion
Original Game
Author: Zip ( Gamedesign and code), mcobit (Graphics, sound, music), Farox (Initial Pandora port, testing)


It's an addictive Space Invaders clone with new weapons and powerups.
There is much more to come, so stay tuned for updates!

Download Pandora Version
Download x86_Linux Version

Download x86 Windows Version
Sourcecode: Included

EfC - Escape from Castle
Original Game
Author: Thomas Seban

Simple as can be, find the exit room.

Download Pandora Version

Original Game
Author: Linux-SWAT


Your computer has a failure !!!
Now it's HIM who asks YOU to compute !!!
You will do additions, substractions, multiplications, divisions, and a mix of all.

Download Pandora Version
Sourcecode: Included

Original Game
Author: Ian Price


Frootopia is a Match3 game with 4 varied modes of play.

Download Pandora Version

Original Game
Author: PEPONE

An ZooKeeper clone with hexagonal gem.

Download Pandora Version
Download Sourcecode

Original Game
Author: Slaeshjag, h4xxel, ~kqr

Muon is a real time strategy game currently under heavy development.
The game has an unusual twist - there are no moving units. To win the game, you must conquer your opponent using only static buildings!

The game is fairly minimalistic but offers many opportunities for cunning plans, tricks and tactical badassery. Games are usually not long, but very intense. Because of the lack of movable units, you will need to make sure that every building counts!

A how to play guide should come online during the weekend for submission deadline. If you can't find a fellow pandorian to play with, look here: for playing on Desktop Linux, Nokia N900 and Windows.

Download Pandora Version
Download Sourcecode

Number Mind
Original Game
Author: Yoshi


A number logic game with a retro style terminal UI, similar to Master Mind.

Download Pandora Version
Sourcecode: Included

Pandora Microbes!
Original Game
Author: _wb_ (Jon Sneyers)


Tower defense / survival RTS game. You control a reverse-engineered immune system and have to defend against invading microbes.
More strategy/tactics involved than in a typical TD game: no fixed microbe paths, the microbes attack and destroy your units, your units have several modes of operation (focus on faster/stronger/weaker microbes, multi-target, etc) and you can aim them to adjust the covered area. Many different units (range, speed, healing, boost other units, slow down microbes, ...) and several different microbe types to be unlocked.
Seven difficulty settings. Highscores. You can watch and save replays. Integrated level editor.

Download Pandora Version

Source code: included

Original Game
Author: Ziz


Puzzletube is a (maybe well known) puzzle game released first in the RIOT competition one year ago. I improved it, even rewrote some parts. Now it is done. You have three game modes with two difficulties.
Try to get a better and better high score, earn trophies and beat me - the game maker by getting a green trophy. ;)

Download Pandora Version
Download Dingoo Version
Download WIZ Version
Download Open2x Version
Download gp2x Version
Download Windows Version
Sourcecode: and
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here is a much nicer screenshot for EarthInvasion.

As I was in a rush to package it and get the email out, i didn't notice, that it was only a thumbnail...


Edit. Windows/x86_Linux versions will follow shortly.
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To Puzzletube: The Linux only testers (e.g. with broken pandora) please compile Puzzletube on their own. ;) First compile sparrow3d with "make" and installing everything missing (mostly the Dev-Packages of SDL, SDL_Image, SDL_ttf, SDL_mixer and SDL_net) and afterwards Puzzletube with make, too. Maybe you have to alter the Makefile, so the compiler finds sparrow3d. Sparrow3d and Puzzletube in the same folder structure (e.g. ~/stuff/puzzletube and ~/stuff/sparrow3d) should work out of the box.
Here is the x86_Linux version of EarthInvasion.

Please add it to the releasethread.


The BennuGD runtime is included.

Just untar and run the

Movement/menu selection: Arrow-keys

Menu select: Left Ctrl

Shoot: Space

Windows version will follow shortly.

@mods: feel free to delete this post after adding the downloadlink and description.
Puzzletube windows version won't start, I get an immediate crash.
Puzzletube windows version won't start, I get an immediate crash.
That's strange... I thought, it was due my virtual box, but I could start puzzletube there only in a bash shell. In wine (under Linux) it worked fine. Strange, have to look at it. :(
I think it would be nice that the authors release their games also in x86 format?

For one, I could experience it.

For second, not experiencing it, brings me closer to platforms that can handle it (ie, the open ones).

I only have a caanoo  :unsure:  ,I may be not quite fair on the voting if I can´t experience the others.

 But I don´t want to raise a subject, I take it is part of the comp to allow multiple plats (including the super caanoo :) ).

PS:mcobit, release a windoze version would you?!
Puzzletube windows version won't start, I get an immediate crash.
That's strange... I thought, it was due my virtual box, but I could start puzzletube there only in a bash shell. In wine (under Linux) it worked fine. Strange, have to look at it. :(
FYI If I run it in compatibility mode it runs fine.

I've been running it on Pandora fine but  my fiancée saw it and wanted to play it too, she's a puzzle nut.
I saw no source link, so for the record: in Microbes, the source code is included in the PND. It's GPLv3.
Corresponding forum threads:

AquaVenture iprice Forumthread

Chav Fighter Slenkar Forumthread

EarthInvasion Zip, mcobit, Farox Forumthread

EfC - Escape from Castle Thomas Seban Forumthread

EvalMaster Linux-SWAT Forumthread

Frootopia iprice Forumthread

HexGEM Mathieu PEPONAS Forumthread

Muon Slaeshjag Forumthread

Number Mind Yoshi Forumthread

Pandora Microbes! Jon Sneyers (wb) Forumthread Also has a  Design Levels thread

Puzzletube Ziz Forumthread You can help translate this game, check forumthread dutch, english, german, italian and norwegian added. If you speak a language not on the list, please translate.
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