Pandora Press Down


Active Member
Jun 27, 2010
Milwaukee, WI, USA
has anyone else had trouble connecting to the Pandora Press site as of today? it's a little odd as a search for it via google brings up a cash advance "link" (or so says the exerpt from the site that describes the link) and I get a "connection was refused" error... I find this kind of strange and figured I'd ask around to see if I was the only one with this experience...
fidxe but dns is propagating

apparnelty after I pay money they as k for I need to tel them to use it, by responding to a thing they didn't send
hostgator have been very helpful; this is the only exception so far

when I get a job I might be able to afford to lease a 1U colo at a local datacenter here; that'd be the next step I'd take hosting-wise
What sort of hosting do you have? If you have a managed-shared hosting setup then you could consider getting some sort of VPS since that would beat any sort of shared hosting environment except the very highest end which would end up costing far more.

Edit: Of course if you manage the the entire software side of the server yourself that will be more work etc.