Phone Capabilities?


Dust bunny
Mar 23, 2011
I'm already looking to buy a Pyra around February [with my next Tax Return], but had one major question come to mind.

If I buy a 4G unit, will I be able to make standard phone calls with it, or will I have to use something like Google Hangouts. And will google Hangouts even work?

Also, if there's any other alternatives that do work, I'd like to know that too.

[Sidenote: Apologies if this is in the wrong sub-forum. Wasn't quite sure where to put it.]
You can do phonecalls, but there might not be a comfortable client to dial at the beginning (something simple like entering the number to do the call wouldn't be a problem though).
Where are you based? Phone capabilities from 2G all the way up to 4G will work in most of Europe just fine, but I understand that in the US, 2G won't be supported which might impact coverage in the sticks.

I can't say much about google hangouts. I used to talk to my friends using google chat over xmpp in pidgin, but they turned that off when they migrated people to hangouts. I guess you could run Android on your Pyra though, and that should support the native hangouts client, but I don't know how well Android on Pyra will be supported yet.
I know you can use Hangouts through Chrome, and with Google Voice (Also through Browser) Dialing shouldn't be an issue. I'm guess I'm just not sure how well Chrome would run on the Pyra [It constantly crashes on my Pandora.]
I know you can use Hangouts through Chrome, and with Google Voice (Also through Browser) Dialing shouldn't be an issue. I'm guess I'm just not sure how well Chrome would run on the Pyra [It constantly crashes on my Pandora.]
I've had the Ubuntu version of chromium working on the devboard on debian Jessie, however never tried using the phone capabilities of google hangouts. With my quick try right now Firefox/Iceweasel you need a google talk plugin, which on their regular download page seems to be for x86 processors only, I think that is build on to chromium but not 100% sure.
Chromium can do Hangouts calls without a plugin, I know because I tried it.
I guess then I just have to use a headset/headphones every time I need to make a call? or does the Pyra have a better built-in mic/speaker setup?

I'm pretty psyched in any case! LOL!
The Pyra isn't really designed for use without a headset, as a phone, but it may be usable. But it will also function very well as a music player, so it may make sense to have a headset on for that while you're out and about at least.
I even noticed -- and correct me if I'm wrong -- that the Pyra supports inline mics?

Edit: Apologies if I seem a bit ignorant, I fell out of the loop for a while and am finally getting caught up again.
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I even noticed -- and correct me if I'm wrong -- that the Pyra supports inline mics?

Yup. Pyra will have a TRRS 3.5mm jack with OMTP/CTIA switching, so you can use the awful Apple earphones (yeah, they improved, but they're still awful) or the actually good earphones that are CTIA-only (such as RHA-MA750i, should the Pyra be able to drive them).

Edit: Apologies if I seem a bit ignorant, I fell out of the loop for a while and am finally getting caught up again.

'Tis not the Arch forums, where you'd get hit by an RTFM real quick. Someone will get you the answer you need.
I think having a smart watch and a head set paired with the Pyra would make it the perfect phone. The watch can alert you of incoming calls so you don't have to get your Pyra out to see who is calling and a blutooth headset so, once again, you wouldn't need to pull your Pyra out to talk on. Unless some smart watch company opens up their platform this isn't likely to happen though.
I think having a smart watch and a head set paired with the Pyra would make it the perfect phone. The watch can alert you of incoming calls so you don't have to get your Pyra out to see who is calling and a blutooth headset so, once again, you wouldn't need to pull your Pyra out to talk on. Unless some smart watch company opens up their platform this isn't likely to happen though.
Pebble works on the Pandora as far as I know.
Nice! I am thoroughly geeked now! I will be buying in February!
... so you can use the awful Apple earphones (yeah, they improved, but they're still awful) or the actually good earphones that are CTIA-only (such as RHA-MA750i, should the Pyra be able to drive them).
I'm pretty much hooked on my SkullCandy earbuds... Not sure where they rank with you, but they're pretty high on my favorites. Frankly, I agree with you on the Apple 'buds...
Pebble works on the Pandora as far as I know.
Whoa, what?!?

Well, then I'm using the Pyra as a phone. I'm a pebble user and I can't live without it anymore. I've kick started the time and the time2, not the original pebble though, I got it later. As soon as there is a good dialer and I get a good headset then I'm dumping Android. It is pure Linux for me!
I think having a smart watch and a head set paired with the Pyra would make it the perfect phone. The watch can alert you of incoming calls so you don't have to get your Pyra out to see who is calling and a blutooth headset so, once again, you wouldn't need to pull your Pyra out to talk on. Unless some smart watch company opens up their platform this isn't likely to happen though.

This is pretty much exactly what I plan on doing. Pebble Time Round and wireless earphones.

Unfortunately, all of the ones I want (earphones with no wires) are tied into Android/iOS, requiring its own app to run just to connect to a device. I really don't like the Jaybird units, and all of the earphones I'd consider getting are so over-engineered and locked-down that it would be worthless on Pyra without booting Android.

Nice! I am thoroughly geeked now! I will be buying in February!

You should (if you can, that is) strongly consider pre-ordering one. Despite 1 batch of Pyras being guaranteed, every little bit helps.

I'm pretty much hooked on my SkullCandy earbuds... Not sure where they rank with you, but they're pretty high on my favorites. Frankly, I agree with you on the Apple 'buds...

I liked SkullCandy until I started using actually good earphones. Monoprice MEP-933 earphones can be gotten for $8 or less, and they blow any SkullCandy out of the water. They might be the best sub-$10 earphones on the market.

Of course, they're not nearly a notch over my Ostry KC06-A earphones or my RHA MA-750 earphones, but if you need something ultra-cheap+high-quality, then you'd be hard-pressed to find anything else.
Unfortunately, all of the ones I want (earphones with no wires) are tied into Android/iOS, requiring its own app to run just to connect to a device. I really don't like the Jaybird units, and all of the earphones I'd consider getting are so over-engineered and locked-down that it would be worthless on Pyra without booting Android.
What about standard bluetooth ones?
Here is what I've gotten working with the Pebble.

So far integrating system/claws notifications and music control work fine. I think pretty much all features of libpebble2 should be feasible.

If anyone else wants to try it, I'll help get them started. It is not foolproof enough yet for me to release the PND I put together. The pairing process is fairly unfriendly, but everything works fine once you are past that.

For Pyra, I really would prefer to port the Pebble support that has been released for Sailfish. It should be much lighter weight and power efficient.
Unfortunately, all of the ones I want (earphones with no wires) are tied into Android/iOS, requiring its own app to run just to connect to a device. I really don't like the Jaybird units, and all of the earphones I'd consider getting are so over-engineered and locked-down that it would be worthless on Pyra without booting Android.

Are you sure that these headphones require an app in all situations? I have a UE Roll, which requires an app to connect to my wife's iPad, but connects to my Pandora the same as any generic bluetooth speaker.
What about standard bluetooth ones?

I no wanna!!!

Those work fine I guess. I just don't want the wires is all. Kinda defeats the purpose, imo.

Excellent work! Still a ways to go, but it's going!

Are you sure that these headphones require an app in all situations? I have a UE Roll, which requires an app to connect to my wife's iPad, but connects to my Pandora the same as any generic bluetooth speaker.

Head-Fi forums would jump down your neck for calling them "headphones." lol

I'm pretty sure they don't require an app just to use, per se. However, they're greatly over-engineered and expensive to the point where 1/2 of what you're paying for ends up being features that require their closed-source Android/iOS app. It's the same reason I'm very hesitant to get a new smartphone; I know I won't use all of the new features provided, even when those new features bump up the price tremendously.

It's like, why pay so much money for decent-quality "smart" wireless earphones when you could get hi-fi "dumb" earphones for the same price?

Just as one example, the Phazon earphones' app has an EQ and a "find my earphone" function, 2 very powerful features that I can't take advantage of without the app. At $200, with all of the promises they made in their campaign, I want to squeeze every single ounce of value I can out of that $200.