Play Asia, and moviepark


Still Fresh
Mar 7, 2003
Hey guys, new member here just wondering about play-asia.

I've seen lots of comments about (with good reason) and lik-sang (which I'm sure everyone knows about), but no one seems to be talkign about play-asia. I was searching for the cheapest place to purchase the GP32 and it was at play-asia so I was just wondering if they are reliable. I mean at 149$ (US) the only place that rivals that is but it seems the shipping is quite a bit at GBAX seeing as how I live in Canada.

Also I'm very curious about the moviepark application that the GP32 can use. It sounds pretty freaking awesome, and I was just wondering if the FPS affects anything. I mean at 10 fps it seems a little slow, seeing as how some emulators get bashed for running that slow. So is this a different case or is 10 FPS just crappy all around...

Thanks in advance guys
I got mine from Play-Asia. It took them 2 Weeks to ship it to Germany. You can pay via bank transfer in Germany. This is great for people who don't own a credit card.
I think there is another divx player for gp32 try to download that one and try it before forking out for moviepark.
MoviePark is well worth the 5.80 us dollars you play to get a good quality player. 10 frames per second sounds like its slow. But in all honesty, its very smooth because the frame rate is decimated by 3. This usually means its kinda smoothed out to look more like 20-30. Moviepark is definitly worth the money. All you have to do is convert it to the designated DIVX file. And how can you go wrong playing a full movie with good sound and picture (just about vhs quality) with a file thats only about 80-100 MB for a 2 hour movie. Pretty cool. :-) Now I am going to go watch Matrix...later

ALso, the moviepark has a brightness feature if the movie is too dark and its hard to view on the screen. This helps alot, especially on a movie like the matrix where every scene is dark or dim.
Thanks for all the info guys, So i take it purchasing from play-asia is fruitful.

Question to TJFBryant (or anyone else with moviepark)

Even though you said it "seems" to run at 20-30 fps, doesn't the audio desync because of the actual 10 fps? Or if it doesn't, Doesn't it look the least bit weird? I mean you're basically cutting out 2 thirds of the movie right out to run at 10 FPS, shouldn't the mouthes be moving funny in comparison to the audio?
I understand your question and your concern. Before I purchased even the GP32 I wondered just how good the quality would be as a movie player. I am not an extremely technical person but what I can tell you is this.
Even though the movie park runs at 10 fps and you would think the sound and dialogue would be out of synch. its not. The reason for this (at least for me) is that when I convert the DIVX file using Virtualdub.. there is an option to hold together or synch the beginning of the audio and video file as well as the end of the file. The program just lines up the duration of audio and video. So when it decimates or smooths the frames the duration of the frames is what changes and NOT the audio. When this is done, the video appears to be in synch with the audio. Also the audio is never slowed down and is never skipped, so the frames of the video is made to match the audio. (I probably should have said that first) Anyway, Even though you are missing 20 frames or really about the actual quality of framerate. Remember there are 10 full frames PER SECOND. Thats just about how many frames the classic animated movies used to be produced at. So if you can imagine old tv episode like .........transformers..or something then thats pretty close to the framerate you will see. The movie player works great with animated features....but even better with real movies.
Finally ... if 10 fps is REALLY not what your looking can use 12 fps but be warned that you can't use the full screen mode....the a/v synch will be slightly off. It does work in normal viewing mode.
I hope this long drawn out speech helps you with your decision.
oh yeah one more thing.... movie that have alot...(I mean alot of busyiness) on screen will lag in full screen mode too. What I mean by busy is alot of constant fast movement on screen all at once. A good example of this is Star Wars Episode 2..... it lags by about 2-3 seconds off its synch BUT 2 good catchs up during the slow action scenes so its not a REALLY BIG Deal. And lag time NEVER occurs if you are viewing in normal mode and running at 10 fps. Movies like Matrix, Zorro and 2 others I can't think of work fine in full only seemed to be Star Wars far. OK I ll stop typing now.