Quake Video


Certified Guru
May 15, 2003
Newark, UK
It looks like the first release of quake on the gp2x is going to be running around 11.5 fps average at normal quality with sound, and as people never believe me when I say that quake still looks and plays great with low frame rates I thought I'd create a video.


Note: before anyone comes along talking a load of crap about ghosting, bluring etc - there is none on the gp2x. All nasty looking bits you might see in the video are caused by my cheap webcam.
Verrry nice indeedy.

Out of interest, how much (if anything) have you offloaded onto the second processor as yet (assuming that's even doable for the time being)?

Oh the anticipation of waiting for the GP2x to actually be deemed release-worthy! :D
How much is on the second processor - nothing.
Is it doable - don't know.

Controls - A shoot, B jump, Y change weapon, X run, Select unused, Start menu, Vol Up swim up, Vol Down swim down, R keyboard look, L strafe, L+R centre view, Stick Button shoot and select in menus, Vol Up+Vol Down nothing yet but may add this as an extra button (the vol buttons seem to work very nicely as either seperate buttons or one big one). So at the minute there are 11 in game controls available with 10 being used, and I'll probably add another one which might come in handy for mods or something.
Do you plan to make it use the second processor and would it give q2 a significant speed boost?
That's the first .AVI I've not been able to get the current version of VLC to play! Sounds good though, and it's good to hear about the ease of using the volume buttons for other purposes (I'm thinking about MAME there).
Quake does play nicely with low frame rates. It's quite enjoyable on my GP32, too :)
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Looks great, I dont think it needs 30+FPS to be very playable either. I'm sure once all devs start working on the machine and find out how to do this and how to do that etc to use the machine to it's fullest, it'll speed up quite a bit.

Just look at any early console game compared to the latter ones
wow, looking good woogal... how much optimizing have you done? used much of the 2D hardware support yet?

and I'm sure there are a few things you can move accross to the 2nd CPU, which would give at least a little boost...

can't wait to see how this is playing in 3 - 6 months :D the GP2X is going to rock my world! :D
It looks like the first release of quake on the gp2x is going to be running around 11.5 fps average at normal quality with sound, and as people never believe me when I say that quake still looks and plays great with low frame rates I thought I'd create a video.


Note: before anyone comes along talking a load of crap about ghosting, bluring etc - there is none on the gp2x. All nasty looking bits you might see in the video are caused by my cheap webcam.

That seems about the same speed as the GP32. Is there nothing in the GP2X that could speed it up? Too bad the GP2X wasn't 400 MHz ;)
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