Repo rating system: 5 stars or binary ratings?

More easy Replies and Votings without havin an Account will Result in more Ratings from Users and

one Bad Rating from CCF is not more that Important because many others Rated it shure better ;)
If you don't require a login for voting, people who want to abuse the system will vote multiple times and completely overwhelm the system. You could block by repeated IP address, or cookies or something, but there are easy ways around those systems.
I am hardly ever logged in to the repo, but thankfully, I don't need to be logged in to rate - pnd manager has my API key, so it's automatically authenticated, and any comment or rating I make in PND Manager gets sent and saved with my name.
Personally, I don't bother even looking at the ratings.

I find that because ratings are very subjective, somebody's opinion of crap software might just do what I need, so I'll try it, and if it works, I'll keep it, if not, it'll get uninstalled
More easy Replies and Votings without havin an Account will Result in more Ratings from Users and

one Bad Rating from CCF is not more that Important because many others Rated it shure better ;)
If you don't require a login for voting, people who want to abuse the system will vote multiple times and completely overwhelm the system. You could block by repeated IP address, or cookies or something, but there are easy ways around those systems.

I am hardly ever logged in to the repo, but thankfully, I don't need to be logged in to rate - pnd manager has my API key, so it's automatically authenticated, and any comment or rating I make in PND Manager gets sent and saved with my name.
Do you mean there are so many Cheaters?
I dont think so,because i belive in the Goodness of Humans.

And did i oversaw one little Thing?

I can make with PND Manager Ratings?


When yes then i did not saw that ;)
And did i oversaw one little Thing?

I can make with PND Manager Ratings?


When yes then i did not saw that ;)
Yes.You did not saw that.

You need to copy your API key from the repo to the PND Manager somehow. Never did this myself.
Last time Milkshake did not change anything. Why anyone here expect a grave dig to change that fact ?
:( thanks for that.

It's not that I won't change anything but if I did then I'm sure there would be people that did not like how it changed, I'm just waiting for the community to agree on a method/algorithm of rating.
As far as the rating method is concerned, I'm suggesting I believe that it should suffice for the time.

I don't really know what to do about potential complaints due to changed rankings, though. The least bad solution that I can come up with now would be to send an e-mail to all users that are registered at the repository, asking for their comments.
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Edit settings.cfg in pndmanager appdata. Set username and apiKey to your repo ones.
I am probably about to sound like an idiot.  I added both of those and got an error when trying to rate some things.  I changed from my username to my email address thinking maybe that was the problem (since I didn't see my username in my account details even though it says I can change it there).  Errors again.  I checked the API key about 9 times.  I put username back in and tried a few more times, and still nothing but errors.  I checked the key again to make sure I didn't put in O instead of 0, but it looks correct.  I will probably generate a new one later and try again.  Did I miss a step or something? 

Once I get it working I will try to rate and comment more.  Thanks B-ZaR for pointing this out for those of us that missed it.
The key (at least in my case) is a hexadecimal number, so any 0's you see will be numeric zeroes, not the letter 'O'. The username field contains your username, not the email address you have associated with the account. I'm not sure if capitalisation is significant, but it's a bit unusual - 'username' is all lower-case whereas 'apiKey' has a capital K.
Last time Milkshake did not change anything. Why anyone here expect a grave dig to change that fact ?
:( thanks for that.

It's not that I won't change anything but if I did then I'm sure there would be people that did not like how it changed, I'm just waiting for the community to agree on a method/algorithm of rating.
I think we need at least three polls to get the community's opinion!
The key (at least in my case) is a hexadecimal number, so any 0's you see will be numeric zeroes, not the letter 'O'.
Yes, they appear to be hexadecimal, which is why I did the final check, of just the 0s. 

The username field contains your username, not the email address you have associated with the account.
I had everything right the first time, then tried rating 2  or 3 times each for 2 games and decided maybe I was wrong.  I tried 3 different things (username as it is displayed, email address, then username all lowercase) just to be sure.

I usually don't ask for help with such simple tasks, but I wanted to verify it was in fact the username, not the email address.  Thanks for confirming.


Last time Milkshake did not change anything. Why anyone here expect a grave dig to change that fact ?
:( thanks for that.

It's not that I won't change anything but if I did then I'm sure there would be people that did not like how it changed, I'm just waiting for the community to agree on a method/algorithm of rating.
I think we need at least three polls to get the community's opinion!
Before we do that we should do a poll asking if people think it should be changed, or if it will be used more or less if it is changed.

That started as a joke, then I figured that some people might actually rate less after all their old ratings get thrown out.
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Last time Milkshake did not change anything. Why anyone here expect a grave dig to change that fact ?
:( thanks for that.

It's not that I won't change anything but if I did then I'm sure there would be people that did not like how it changed, I'm just waiting for the community to agree on a method/algorithm of rating.
I just don't think waiting for consensus is adequate. Just read ptitSeb's pained comments on these PNDs. Do you really think a significant part of the community prefers him to feel that way over and over again just to prevent the changes he proposed? I don't think so. I know you are busy and having to work without clear specifications is crap, but if you can find the time, just going along with his proposal is a step in the right direction. Further discussion can take place after that. Think of it as using an agile process:)
So I'm wrong, the forum prefers to have ptitSeb suffer :( Just ignore my posts then.

edited profanity. Sorry for that.
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So I'm wrong, the forum prefers to have ptitSeb suffer :( Just ignore my posts then.

edited profanity. Sorry for that.
No not neccesarily, as someone else already pointed out, just deactivate the flawed system, till a better solution is found.
:( thanks for that.
It wasnt meant as rude. sorry for that. But that's a fact. Complain keeps coming because of the current system.We've seens some demonstration in this very thread why the 5 stars system dont work.

If you dont have time to do any of the suggestion (your prefered one, it's your code and project after all), maybe disabling the current stuff (as thatguy suggest) could be okish.

But trust me, these 1 stars votes cut the motivation of any coder around rather low...
The answer for me is simple.

Require that a comment be left if you rate it. More than likely, a 1-star rating will be paired with a negative comment. Then on the PNDs main page, show only the 4/5 star comments with an option to show the 1-star ratings. That way, the negative "can't be arsed" comments from CCF will be hidden unless the user wants to see them.
