Ruck-man Update


Certified Guru
Oct 15, 2006
Hi everyone,

I've just uploaded a new version of Ruck-Man to the file archive. This is a minor update, the changes are:

Improved music which also uses better compression so the overall file size is now smaller (thanks pferguso) .
A,B,X,Y control as an alternative for those who find the stick unresponsive.
Re-spawned ghosts now wait a short while before leaving the ghost pen (equivalent to the time it takes Ruck-Man to move 8 grid spaces)

You can download it here.

Great I love this game :D

I hope you win the compo.

In fact, I love evrything you have released so far, soon I will need a seperate Ruckage card :)
The only version of Pac Man I've ever enjoyed. Which is really saying something, since I've tried a few of them! Good luck, Ruckage, and thanks for the update. Next progression from adding dual control schemes is to add a pill that gives you the Ruck-man equivalent of a multiball (one with each control set). Now that would make for a VERY interesting bonus!
Tobriand said:
Next progression from adding dual control schemes is to add a pill that gives you the Ruck-man equivalent of a multiball (one with each control set). Now that would make for a VERY interesting bonus!
ooo can you imagine.... I think I'd burst a blood vessel in my brain!
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Tobriand said:
The only version of Pac Man I've ever enjoyed. Which is really saying something, since I've tried a few of them! Good luck, Ruckage, and thanks for the update. Next progression from adding dual control schemes is to add a pill that gives you the Ruck-man equivalent of a multiball (one with each control set). Now that would make for a VERY interesting bonus!
Now that's an interesting idea - may have to give that one some thought.
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When I saw the holes in the walls I was hoping for levels with several rooms.
I spent an hour at the dentist's office waiting for goop in my mouth to harden playing Ruckman. (and Oidzone) The game is so good, and the music and animations just make me happy. I got a little seasick watching the moving dots after a few levels.

Awesome game. Can't wait to try the new button controls.
berighteous said:
I spent an hour at the dentist's office ....the music and animations just make me happy. I got a little seasick watching the moving dots after a few levels.
I think that'll be the nitrous talking! Come to think of it, maybe it's the perfect accompaniment.. now where's my balloon. :D
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manhill said:
perfect game!!! now what else games did this guy create?!?!?
So far I have made 5 programs for the GP2X including Ruckman, 4 are games and the fith is somthing a bit odd:

Blingo! Clone of the online game Slingo.

Dastardly Dungeon Entry for the Pdroms competition to make game in the style of old LCD handheld games.

Protozoa A new take on snake.

Zoltan A simulator of an old arcade fortune telling machine from 1967.

Click here to see a topic I started for a couple of games that are currently being made.

I've also made various skins, just search for my username in the archive.

Shadowsithe said:
Or two-player. Have two mini-maps and see who can clear theirs first.
I would actually like to add 2 player mode though I hadn't planned doing it that way, I think your idea could work quite well if each side was limited to 2 ghosts.

Miika said:
When I saw the holes in the walls I was hoping for levels with several rooms.
Another good idea - had actually discussed something similar with quiest (he saw the idea on a site though I forget which) and Pferguso also mentioned a similar idea - could be a good idea for a sequel where part of the game could be quest or story mode. Another addition I would like to add is scrolling mazes though I would probably have to lose the animated pellets for those as it would put too much of a strain on fenix to scroll and animate 150+ pellets as well.
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Holy crap no, you should do a Co-Op mode, where one person uses one control set, and one uses the other. That would rule.
Nova said:
Holy crap no, you should do a Co-Op mode, where one person uses one control set, and one uses the other. That would rule.
There's no reason I couldn't do both, co-op mode is also a good idea and the more modes the better.
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@ Ruckage: I haven't played it, but were you inspired by the Xbox Live Arcade release of Pac-Man?
imhotep said:
@ Ruckage: I haven't played it, but were you inspired by the Xbox Live Arcade release of Pac-Man?
No, I've just wanted to do a pacman game for a long while. Though having recently seen reviews for that game (pacman championship edition) I would really like to do a game mode similar to it where the maze is constantly updated. For those who don't know about pacman champion edition basically what happens is one half of the maze is filled with some pellets, once you clear a side you collect a piece of fruit and the opposite side is redrawn with a new maze and more pellets. In some ways my panic mode is similar I guess though adding a constantly changing maze would be great. If i had learned about CE sooner i definately would have tried to get a mode like it added as it sounds great fun.

jbrodack said:
nice update and thanks for making the ghosts respawn slower. is it me or do the ghosts move faster and go at you more intensely after being eaten

No they behave the same though you may notice that the ghosts are a little more passive before you begin moving at the start of a level or new life. Once you start moving they go on full attack mode, this rule however doesn't apply to peppy or slouch (though slouch is a pushover). Damn just gave one of tha AI secrets away ;) . The ghosts all move at slightly different speeds but they are all slightly slower than Ruckman, I felt it was fairer this way as you always have a chance of escaping. And don't forget that just like the original Pac-man the ghosts move at half speed through the side exits.
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