Save Games In Fgb32


Hello i was wondering if there is anyway to put the save games of gameboy games saved from emulators on the pc to FGB32 on the GP32? if anyone has any ideas on how to do this or something like this could you please let me know!

I don`t think the savestates are compatible, and the new fgb32 has no sram saves support (normal savegames).

So I guess it`s a no to your question.
It will have SRAM in later betas, but I still don't know if bringing saves from the PC to fBG32 would work even with that...
I have tried and tested this very thorughly and there is no way unfortinatly which means those of us in the middle if Zelda games will ahve to finish before testing it if you start to start the old emu wiht out deletihng the settings file it will crash untill you delete that file...
dont they make programs where a savestate can be patched to the rom itself, or something like that? they do with cheats, but im not sure about savestates.
Hrm, but the transferring of SRAM savestates from emulator to emulator generally works... I have tried it with snes, my Chrono Triger savestates from Snes9x on PC work with OS9xGP and LJZ on the zodiac... But those emus are ports from Snes9x, so that might be the reason why it worked. Maybe GNU-Boy savestates work in fgb32?
Thanks everyone!
Does anyone know when the new version of FGB32 is coming out its all rather vague on Retrodev or can anyone recommend a better emulator for GB on GP32.

