Release Scrabble 3D


Serial Porter
Aug 15, 2012
France, near Lyon
Here is Scrabble 3D, a remake of scrabble, using 3D


It is in fact more than a simple Scrabble with 3D Display, there is also many game mode.

The game as quite some locale.

It's a Lazarus (FreePascal) game, and it used glshim for the 3D rendering.

Use a real mouse for more confort.

To play with the Nubs, use Left Click to inclinate (with mouse up/down), Left Click + Left Shoulder to Move board (click before shoulder), Left Click + Right shoulder to Zoom In/Out (with mouse up/down)

History log

Build 03

  • Improved speed of PBuffer" mode
Build 02

  • Updated libs
  • Using "PBuffer" mode of glshim: compatible with all driver and no more mouse blinking
Build 01

  • Initial build
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Amazing,i waited long for such a Game.

Thx for doing That Ptitseb.

Your are one of the Elite Porters here ;)

Compliment ;)
You should get this working with TinyGLES. It looks pretty lightweight to render, so the CPU should handle it fine. This would remove the driver limitation.
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It's a Lazarus (FreePascal) game, and it used glshim for the 3D rendering.
Please fix Lazarus's build process! It takes forever to rebuild the LCL every bloody time! :)

Yeah, looks to be a bug in the latest build of lazarus. It's apparently fixed, so a new version may be needed.


Yeah I know (and it was anoying for this one too). But I have no clue why it does that. Maybe I'll have to update Lazarus?
I am not sure if there is a way to fix this but every Time I drag a tile onto the board, it leaves a gray trail behind it, and sometimes it even freezes the game for a little bit. Is there a setting I need to change?
I am not sure if there is a way to fix this but every Time I drag a tile onto the board, it leaves a gray trail behind it, and sometimes it even freezes the game for a little bit. Is there a setting I need to change?
I don't think there is an easy fix. I suspect it's the X-windows mouse that conflict with OpenGL rendering...
I am not sure if there is a way to fix this but every Time I drag a tile onto the board, it leaves a gray trail behind it, and sometimes it even freezes the game for a little bit. Is there a setting I need to change?
I don't think there is an easy fix. I suspect it's the X-windows mouse that conflict with OpenGL rendering...
Alrighty, thanks for the response.
So, I finanly got a way to fix the mouse blinking issue.
It's a new mode of glshim (LIBGL_FB=3 for those who use it) that allow OpenGL X11 window to be created even with latest driver were it's not supported: the context created is in fact a PBuffer on (off-screen) then the buffer is blitted in the window at every glXSwapBuffers. This mode is not very fast and not suitable for action game, but perfect for this software.

PS: I know Scrabble3D has been updated to 1.3.4, but it seems to need Lazarus 1.6 (it crash at runtime when compiled with Lazarus 1.4) and Lazarus 1.6 needs (I think?) fpc 3.0.0, but I have trouble compiling it... So I didn't update Scrabble3D itself for this time...

Build 02

  • Updated libs
  • Using "PBuffer" mode of glshim: compatible with all driver and no more mouse blinking
I tweaked the "PBufer" mode of glshim. Using GL_BGRA on the glReadPixels is much faster. But because the driver is buggy, it works fine only when reading from a PBuffer, it doesn't works when reading from an FBO or the plain (16bits) FB...
Still, that makes "LIBGL_FB=3" usable even for fullscreen game (but still not fast enough to get more then 12~15fps on fullscreen app).

Build 03

  • Improved speed of PBuffer" mode