Scummvm And Quake 3


May 27, 2008
Cork, Ireland
Is there some guide to installing and running them on the Pandora? I've the PND's for both installed, but the ScummVM doesn't seem to load at all, at least the Quake 3 one created a folder in Appdata, where I copied the filed from my baseq3 directory, but that's as far as it goes....
For Quake 3 you need to put the whole baseq3 directory in there. Not just the files that are in it. ScummVM should at least show its menu, tried redownloading the pnd?
got Quake 3 up and running, turned put I was trying to run the wrong version of the pnd, so when I put the files in the correct location, it all works! Now I just have to figure out the controls ;) Still no joy with Scummvm, tried another fresh copy onto my card, but it still only loads for a bit, but doesn't even get to the main menu!
I found it also depends on halfway recdent and correct Q3 files; I had some older Q3 files and the nub wouldn't move the mouse right, and all kinds of oddities; got fed up, bought the quake-pack on Steam (all 3 games for $9 or something), and good to go.

skeezix said:
I found it also depends on halfway recdent and correct Q3 files; I had some older Q3 files and the nub wouldn't move the mouse right, and all kinds of oddities; got fed up, bought the quake-pack on Steam (all 3 games for $9 or something), and good to go.


I've only really tried it the once, the right nub controlled the aiming, but couldn't quite work out the rest of the ocntrols, then I got stuck behind an object in the first room, go fed up and exited!! ;) Will give it another bash at the weekend when I get some more free time!. Does anyone know if it's posilbe to use a real mouse with Quake 2 or 3 on the Panda??
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The controls are a little goofy still, someone needs to put some love in I think (better dead zones, and fix a few issues.)

I figure, with nub-aiming .. its too easy to look up/down, when really you just want to rotate or tip a little; so I figure the free-look nub should have its Y-axis scale .. you should have to push it quite a bit up/down to make it start going up/down at all, and not too quickly at first (say); but for left/right, you need it to mvoe quick, as it does now.

I use d-pad for movement, as I found left-nub to get stuck a lot for movement.

But not played it too too much; I think multiplayer is no built in.. or at least, I couldnt' even type an IP to connect to, etc, so couldn't even try MP .. but that'd rule, of course; I've built it a few times, so I could rebuild it again and debug into it, but been too tied up and spread too thin :)

Oh, that might explain why it really really did not work properly for me. Could you share the md5sums of the .pk3 files?
scummvm recently stopped working for me too: this is the output...

in fork! PND ++ /media/PANDORA01/pandora/menu//scummvm-openpandora-2010-05-26.pnd mountpoint: /media/PANDORA01 Basename: scummvm mkdir -p /mnt/pnd/scummvm /mnt/utmp/scummvm /usr/pandora/scripts/ line 125: /proc/pandora/cpu_mhz_max: Permission denied not mounted on loop yet, doing so Usage: grep [OPTION]... PATTERN [FILE]... Try `grep --help' for more information. Usage: grep [OPTION]... PATTERN [FILE]... Try `grep --help' for more information. LoopMountedon: /dev/loop7 Filetype is ISO sudo mount /dev/loop7 mounting union! Filesystem is vfat /usr/pandora/scripts/ line 200: ././ Permission denied app exited rmdir: failed to remove `/mnt/utmp/scummvm': Device or resource busy rm: cannot remove `/mnt/utmp/scummvm': Is a directory rmdir: failed to remove `/media/PANDORA01/pandora/appdata/scummvm/.wh..wh.plnk': No such file or directory rmdir: failed to remove `/media/PANDORA01/pandora/appdata/scummvm/.wh..wh..tmp': No such file or directory rmdir: failed to remove `/media/PANDORA01/pandora/appdata/scummvm/': Directory not empty sudo: no tty present and no askpass program specified sudo: no tty present and no askpass program specified cleanup done[/code]

Im guessing I need to reflash to get it working? Im on HF3 BTW.
When the new beta didn't work for me either, I reflashed my Pandora. ScummVM loads now, but won't allow me to add any games, just tells me no games are present in any of the relevant directories...