Seeking Colecovision Recommendations!


Well-Known Member
Mar 8, 2008
So, I've been looking to expand my ColecoVision cartridge collection ever since zx-81 ported Pandora-Colem. The system is a little bit before my time, but I do own a few games - specifically Donkey Kong, Space Panic, Mouse Trap, and Pepper II.

I'm just curious as to whether anyone has any recommendations or personal favourites for the system, and if anyone would be willing to share those. :p
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Prometheus said:
So, I've been looking to expand my ColecoVision cartridge collection ever since zx-81 ported Pandora-Colem. The system is a little bit before my time, but I do own a few games - specifically Donkey Kong, Space Panic, Mouse Trap, and Pepper II.

I'm just curious as to whether anyone has any recommendations or personal favourites for the system, and if anyone would be willing to share those. :p

Lady Bug and Venture!

Lady Bug is probably the game I play the most often :)

Also, Fathom is kinda weird but cool...

Antarctic Adventure shouldn't be missed, too (though I like the MSX version better).
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Thanks ED. :D I have to admit, I haven't heard of Fathom at all - I'll have to look that one up.

EDIT: Ah! It's by Imagic! They're one of my favourite Atari 2600 developers. :D
antarctic adventure is indeed a great one, spent a long time playing that 1 as a kid! :D yeah the msx version is prolly better, considering i didnt even know they made it for coleco :D
Donkey Kong Jr. was always touted as 'Arcade Perfect' and the Smurfs games were often gushingly described as 'Cartoon quality', which may seem laughable now but at the time poring over screenshots of them gave us all palpitations.