SemiAccurate interviews EvilDragon about Pandora

Wow, there are some dimwits in the comment section.

But a very good Interview other wise.
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Like new Full Screen Graphics of Pandora. Once while back met Tim, Founder of pandora. Pandora is written in linuex.

So for Windows crowd, there wasn’t enough, now, after email of suggestion, final product & is improved.

iWill wear My Pandora Cap All Day.

You don't know Tim?

He's.... um... the mysterious Pandora Team guy... he's so secret even I haven't heard of him yet.
About the lame comments, The Panda either seems to bring great joy to someone, or bring out the most horrible side of a person.

I wonder what kind of psychological effect causes people to turn to total douches when they hear of the pandora.....

Maybe the Pandora is the ultimate douche detector...
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That comment is odd... first he talks about a "Tim", then he makes a sentence in the manner iCarly episode titles are written. With some bizarre and incomprehensible stuff in between.
Even though the first line of the headline is


With two big pictures of it underneath?

This commenter managed to miss both the text and the pictures of the article.

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