So, I am about to buy a GP32...


Still Fresh
Aug 20, 2003
So, I am about to get this wonderufl little Korean handheld. I will most likely end up ordering it from Lik-Sang. I have been doing a lot of reading on the system, games, and ect., and I just thought I would just ask the GP32 community a few things before I drop the cash.

Naturally, one of the key things this interests me about the GP32 is the emulation. My question is, what all do I need to buy before I can have portable emulation on a GP32? What all do I need to play ports like DOOM?

Is it true that there are no Sega Genesis enulators for the GP32? Any projects?

How good is the SNES emulation? The Game Gear/Master System?

I've seen some people selling units with a backlit screen. Is that a custom job, or are they actually manufactured that way?

When I buy the GP32 I intend to purchase one game along with it. I like action games, adventure games, and good platformers. What do you guys suggest? I have only been using the information provided by this site, and others like it as a guide, but so far, here is what looks interesting to me:

-GP Fight (semi interested)
-Rally Pop (I am a fan of Worms, but the review said it was kinda bad)
-Dungeon & Guarder (I am a fan of Golden Axe)
-Mill (I have only seen screenshots, can anyone tell me about it, please? It appears to be an action/adventure?)
-Are there any good platformers?
-Anything else that you would suggest?

Any other advice?
For doom you need wad files (commercial or shareware will do) and Doom V8 from here or
No Genesis emulators yet but there are apparently a few being made.
SNES emulation is good enough for most RPG's but its not up to full speed yet. I'm currently playing Lufia 2 on frameskip 4 and its completely playable for me.
Gamegear/Mastersystem emulation is pretty good use rlyeh's fSMS.
You can't get a backlit screen its frontlit, FLU (Front Light Unit) and they are made by Gamepark themselves.

I suggest you try the PC engine emulator, it has some great games and they run very well.

You should also check out this
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If your a fan of golden axe and worms you may just want to get roms (if you are legally entitled to), there is a Worms game for the SNES and golden axe ones fot the Master system and Atari ST
You will also need a SMC (Smart Media Card), You won`t be able to do much without one. I personally recommend a 128 mb card, It will set you back between £15-£20 and will be enough space for truck loads of games and utilities etc. :)

Q1. Naturally, one of the key things this interests me about the GP32 is the emulation. My question is, what all do I need to buy before I can have portable emulation on a GP32? What all do I need to play ports like DOOM?

All you need is a SMC (Smart Media Card). The .wad files you can find on the net. The actual .fxe that you can find on this site for Doom v8.

Q2.Is it true that there are no Sega Genesis enulators for the GP32? Any projects?

You are correct there is no PUBLIC Genesis emulator, but two are being worked on privately by ryleh (correct?) and ZJ. Both show promise and will prove to be very interesting.

Q3.How good is the SNES emulation? The Game Gear/Master System?

Snes emulation is playable. By that i mean that u can get a game to run w/ no sound at frame skip 2-3 pretty well. I was running mega man & bass at frameskip 2 w/o sound w/ no problem. The SMS/GG emulation is damn near perfect thanks to rhyleh (correct?) w/ save state full speed and sound. It is a beauty.

Q4.I've seen some people selling units with a backlit screen. Is that a custom job, or are they actually manufactured that way?

First of all it is FLU (Front Lit Unit). Yes you can buy those off of lik-Sang, GBAX or Play-Asia for like a couple extra bucks.

Q5.When I buy the GP32 I intend to purchase one game along with it. I like action games, adventure games, and good platformers. What do you guys suggest? I have only been using the information provided by this site, and others like it as a guide, but so far, here is what looks interesting to me:

-GP Fight (semi interested)
-Rally Pop (I am a fan of Worms, but the review said it was kinda bad)
-Dungeon & Guarder (I am a fan of Golden Axe)
-Mill (I have only seen screenshots, can anyone tell me about it, please? It appears to be an action/adventure?)
-Are there any good platformers?
-Anything else that you would suggest?

Any other advice?

As for commercial games you should try out Kimchi Men. It is a very good platformer. It has nice animation & graphics and many decent levels. I bought this a month ago and have been playing it since
All you need is the GP32, a SMC, and the USB Link Cable (included with the gp32).

There is no public genesis emulator available, but it is still be worked on.

Snes emulation is very playable without sound, the next version will be A LOT faster and probably full speed with sound on frameskip 3. SMS and GG are perfect.

GP32 Is Frontlit not Backlit. The FLU version can be bought at practically every place that sales a gp32. It costs $50 extra, but IMO, it is worth every penny :) . BTW, the FLU isn't installed by Gamepark. A new regular gamepark is opened up and installed with a FLU and then resealed and then is sold.

Definetly get Her Knights (Golde Axe style game), this game rocks.
Azure posted on Aug 20 2003 said:
BTW at the FLU isn't installed by Gamepark. A new regular gamepark is opened up and installed with a FLU and then resealed and then is sold.
Are you sure about that? :huh: I have a FLU and it came in a box which had FLU written on it. That mkes me think it is installed by gamepark. Another thing is if it was't installed by them and by some other "third party" then would'nt the sell the FLU's by themselves like they Afterburner for GBA?
It doesn't really matter I'm just trying to be difficult. :P
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it isnt made or installed by gamepark, but it is endorsed by gamepark. Its installed by a third party selected by them.