[SOLVED] Pandora Stuck On Login,password Screen.help

Wrath Of Khan

Soul soother...
Dec 29, 2009
Hi,my pandora is stuck on the login screen.It tries to boot but just returns to the login screen again.
I reset the pandora twice but no luck.Only thing i did was tighten the screw under the battery,to tighten up the right
shoulder button and i just put hexen on my sdhc card.When i booted up this happened.
I also made sure the battery was connected properly.Any ideas?Edit found something
about reflashing.Trying this now.Yup reflashing worked.Back in business.
i kinda got the same issue on my PandoraOs sd card now T_T

Wish we could have a new Zaxxon image with the hotfixes built in, both for flashing and putting on an SD

BTW: question to whoever compiled the kernel, did you strip out any features? such as support for the rt73 wifi chipset, should work out of the box but mine is pretty much not found, found in dmesg but no modules loaded? cant find it in ifconfig -a

or how would i go about loafing kernel from sd as well? current boot.txt floating around loads kernel from nand