[SOLVED]Scan disc/Check Disc tool on Pandora?


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2010
Half way up the stair
As per the title I would like to know if a terminal command exists for any inbuilt linux chkdsk type program that could attempt to fix SD cards.

My 2nd SD card still works on Pandora for running programs (except for hotkey'd apps and it cant be simply browsed, unless you use Thunar to filesystem/media/<scrambled junk name>/browse away).

Windows cant see it, so I'd like to try to fix it on the Pandora rather than format and revert to a prior backup from several weeks ago.

Any ideas?
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Yes it is present (fsck), but if I'm not mistaken, the tool for checking FAT32 cards (dosfsck) is not there by default, and needs to be installed separately (i.e., to the NAND, if that's what you're running off of).

You would need to install dosfstools first, if the card is FAT32. I haven't ever installed anything to the NAND, so I'm afraid this is where I get stuck! (I think you may need to run sudo opkg install dosfstools at a terminal, but please be aware that this isn't something I have done personally. Wait for someone else to confirm before you try this.)

Once it's installed, though, my understanding is that you would open up a terminal and run the following;

sudo umount /media/YOURSDCARDNAME

Followed by;

sudo dosfsck /media/YOURSDCARDNAME

I'm *pretty* sure that that's it. However, as I am writing this "blind", please wait for someone who knows better than I do to check this over and/or verify what I've said. I don't want to inadvertently cause any damage to your card!
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Once it's installed, though, my understanding is that you would open up a terminal and run the following;

sudo umount /media/YOURSDCARDNAME

Followed by;

sudo dosfsck /media/YOURSDCARDNAME

I'm *pretty* sure that that's it. However, as I am writing this "blind", please wait for someone who knows better than I do to check this over and/or verify what I've said. I don't want to inadvertently cause any damage to your card!

dosfsck needs to be passed the device node pointing to the partition. If the SD-card is in the first slot, that would be something like /dev/mmcblk0p1
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^ That's what I meant by waiting for someone to verify. :lol:

Thanks slaeshjag - I knew I was forgetting something important.
Thankyou both for your helpful responses. Got it installed and it fixed some sectors and all is sorted. :)

Took 2 days though, as opkg update wouldnt seem to run for some reason :(
Glad to hear you got it fixed! :D

Regarding opkg update not working, if I'm understanding correctly, I *think* that this can happen if the Ångström repository goes down, so it might have been because of that.
Even if you've it fixed I'ld like to add that most filesystem tools are included in the gparted PND.

You'll need to mount it (starting gparted does that) and then add /mnt/utmp/gparted/sbin/ to your PATH :)
Yes I gather the repo can have issues, though I suspect it was just playing up on me to be annoying and make a quick job a bore of a chore to achieve. Computers hate me and even Pandora can clearly have her off days.

I thought GParted probably had a check function but all I could find under 'view<supported file systems' showed a 'check' option ticked but under 'required software' it again said 'dosfstools, mtools'.

I'm a bit of a newb so I dont really follow you on how to use the "You'll need to mount it (starting gparted does that) and then add /mnt/utmp/gparted/sbin/ to your PATH" part of your suggestion? Would be nice to run the check disc from within GParted though, except the terminal is faster I guess.
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First, start gparted, and just leave it running. Then open a terminal and type

export PATH=$PATH:/mnt/utmp/gparted/sbin/

Then you can do everything from the command line, all the regular commands you can look up on google become available.