Some How My Net Speed Has Gotten 400X Faster

Jan 12, 2005
Peterborough England
Okay so i get to uni freshers week, set up my computer to the network and internet in my halls using a lan connection and everythings working fine for about a week.

The connection was slow so i checked it on, it said the download speed was about .25mbps, same as everyone elses. On the saturday of my first week my lan port on my laptop just DIES and i am left with the choice of getting it fixed or getting a usb or EXcard ethernet port, i go for the express card version.

After a lengthy search i find one online, Belkin gigabit ethernet expresscard, it came yesterday i plugged it in and put in the cable, then the cool stuff started.


The thing ramdomly finds 4 networks to connect me to and all of a sudden my connection speed is stupidly fast! last night it was just over 100mbps!
I know gigabit ports are fast but fuck me!

Can anyone explain this?

and can anyone beat my speed :P

I have no idea, I don't pretend to know anything about Internet connections.
Looks like I have a better ping than you guys, though..
I'm at a university fwiw.

I'm in my room connected wirelessly to a different room in my house with DSL. My internet is pathetic.

This is nominally a 5 Mbit/768 Kbit connection. I never see anything over 3 usually, though.
(naw)mcx said:
sky, right?

Right. It goes down completely twice a day too, and not in a good way. I need to get it upgraded, but I've got no idea which ISP to go with. I used to have an 8Mb Demon connection, but that was gash too.
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fishybawb said:
(naw)mcx said:
sky, right?

Right. It goes down completely twice a day too, and not in a good way. I need to get it upgraded, but I've got no idea which ISP to go with. I used to have an 8Mb Demon connection, but that was gash too.
it's utter bullshit, it used to be 1MB/s downloads for me through the day, godly connection for the area, now it's down to about 40KB/s 20KB/s, some times 100
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Last year in Uni halls we were capped at around 8Mb and had some arbitrary connection limit (50 concurrently if I remember correctly). Now using a normal internet connection in a normal house and am with Be Unlimited:


We only recently switched over (like a week ago) and they still seem to be profiling our connection. Also note speed is in MB and not Mb.
Peter R said:
Last year in Uni halls we were capped at around 8Mb and had some arbitrary connection limit (50 concurrently if I remember correctly). Now using a normal internet connection in a normal house and am with Be Unlimited:


We only recently switched over (like a week ago) and they still seem to be profiling our connection. Also note speed is in MB and not Mb.

The training period is up to 10 days and is done automatically by the exchange. Check your SNR (Signal to Noise Ratio), if it's at 7 or below then your line is maxed out, if it's above 7 then it still has room to improve. As your line sync at a higher speed, the SNR will drop, it'll bottom out around 7 or so as anything below starts to invoke connection issues (if your SNR drops below 5 then you'll likely be prone to random loss of sync).

Also, that IS in Mb (Megabit) not MB (Megabyte) as 8.12MB/s download would be at minimum a 65Mb (Megabit) connection, so unless you're on an OC1-3 line (which I'm pretty sure BeThere don't provide and they cost generally £5000 a month minimum) the symbols on the test picture are correct.

And yes, I work for an ISP.
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