Split from "Amnesty Please" - Mod Corruption

That is not what the other mods do, either. We all operate more or less the same way. 

* The preferred way is that everybody behave in a reasonable way, keep to the topic in the threads and start new threads when new things need to be discussed. 

* When things start to slide, we post a warning, and posts that continue to go off after that gets hidden. The reasonable thing to do then is for the user to start a new thread, where that topic can be discussed.

* If, for some reason, we haven't been able to do point 2 in time (for instance, a thread explodes in mulitple-thread OT rantfest bonanza party whilst we were on a coffee break, as might happen) we sometimes split things up in separate threads, simply because 1) we get told off for being censorious fascist Craig-loving conspirators if we hide several posts, and 2) it is reasonable that we should have posted an explicit warning that this has gone far enough before we put the hard foot down (one might argue that most members on these boards ought to know the difference anyway, but still). 

In summary: The job of creating a new thread for a new topic is really on the posters. Sometimes we help with that. The job of reading a posted warning and understanding when a post does not belong in a thread is really on the posters. Sometimes, we help with that, too.
Timstertoo, calm down Bro.  I'm not taking any sides, but IMHO, the difference between this forum and others is the fact that mods here do their jobs and they do them well.  Otherwise, this is just another www (wild wild west).  I think hailrazer was kind and wanted to deal with the issue privately with you and that was why he PMed you.  I don't think he had any evil intention or disrespected you in any way.  He doesn't get pay to be a mod.  And no mod gets paid afaik.  So there's no reason for them to get into an argument or conflict.  Their family is more important, but this just shows their dedication to the OpenPandora forum.  So take a deep breath and enjoy your pandora :)