Story Idea


Namer of the New GP2X
Oct 29, 2004
I'm Lost
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I was wondering if any of you guys would have any ideas for a story for a manga that i'm gonna create for a class. The story i want to create wwould be a comedy/action kinda thing.

One idea i have is the main character is a grim reaper that is assigned to kill people because it's their(duh) but one of the people he falls in love with and won't kill her so he becomes a renegade. and Death the big guy sends other grim reapers after him and demons and stuff

That's what i have but it's missing a lot of stuff, i think. so addon or give more ideas for new stories. Trying to create an action comedy.
well renegade is just a term but he get's in trouble but i'm still missing a plot it can't be just the two of them running. a friend susjeted that the girl have some signifigance like the reason she was to be killed is that she has the power to destroy/save the world or grim reapers. i dunno if if this is any good. IDEAS, PEOPLE, IDEAS!
mattbakse posted on Feb 17 2005 at 01:01 AM said:
One idea i have is the main character is a grim reaper that is assigned to kill people because it's their(duh) but one of the people he falls in love with and won't kill her
very original
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whatever i just need help with the plot and ideas. who cares what they are similar to. if someone doesn't like it or thinks it's not original say so but also post something to make it better.
Add some evil flying mokeys that looks like naked lesbian warriors from the amazon and they all crawl around in the mud and....

ill stop
mattbakse posted on Feb 17 2005 at 08:43 PM said:
so i take it none of you are gonna help me. whatever. <_<

well the grim reaper could take the form of different things, and thats how he manages to escape the clutches of the evil... person and...

how about he only becomes a grim reaper cos he died to begin with, but he/she was a nice person in real life and refuses to kill people while he/shes a reaper
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thank you at least now i got some ideas. the dead thing i had planned already like he died and then became a grim reaper but he still did the job just till he got to the girl he stopped (cause he likes her) and death didn't like that.
trooper posted on Feb 17 2005 at 07:17 PM said:
You don`t mean Cry Freedom. :blink:


Crying Freeman is only an Uber film, cureently ion DVD release by Pathe for a mere £6

definately worth it
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mattbakse posted on Feb 17 2005 at 01:01 AM said:
One idea i have is the main character is a grim reaper that is assigned to kill people because it's their(duh) but one of the people he falls in love with and won't kill her so he becomes a renegade.

Ever read 'Mort' by Terry Pratchett?
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nope i don't read books, cept Fight Club and Star Wars Boba Fett and Animorphs along time ago. all the other books i've read were required by school.