Strange Request


Certified Guru
Oct 26, 2003
Maine, USA
I collect games systems in general, and I have quite a big collection of portable games machines. I now have 2 GP32s (non-FLU & FLU) but both arrived with torn/crushed boxes (this didn't effect the console, just the box). Now, I assume most people got theirs in this condition aswell ( they have had to come quite a distance afterall :) ), but I'm sure there are some of you who got theirs in undamaged containers.

So.. What I'm asking for is someone who has a really good condition box, but isn't that fussed about keeping it. Would they perhaps part with it in exchange for a small monetary reward?

Thanks for any help I can get.
well i've got a non-FLU box that i'll sell (i also have the directions if those got damaged too) just give me a price.

and BTW I live in california so try to calculate a price thats not practically the same as shipping costs.
I'm moving to america on Friday. I'll give you a mail about it once I'm there.


Edit - The only difference with the FLU box is that they stuck a small sticker on it :)
I got mine from Craig too. Or at least I got my FLU from Craig.

Seems like I am the only one with this problem, or it's just that I have a different idea of what would be considered damage to the rest of you ;)