Release SuperZaxxon - Beta 4 released

OK I have both kernels on the root of the fat partition on the SD. Am I to understand that I would have to modify boot.txt in a text editor between boots to change kernels on the SD? And that using the Menu to change kernels ONLY works with kernels on the NAND?

Is this correct? I have looked at the /boot/bootmenu and am starting to get this picture. If Booting from the Menu Always uses the NAND bootstrap <?> and only Autoboot.txt uses the NAND.

(Bare with me a bit longer please)

In otherwords, what is the function of the boot versus autoboot.txt? And why autoboot had to have mmc_core.removable=0 but not my boot.txt

...And if a mod wants to move this segway to a separate thread that is fine and I apologize if this got OT.
I have no idea how the bootmenu plays into the new boot loader and whether it is possible to create different boot menu options for SD installed 3.2 and 2.6 kernels. I could experiment with it a bunch until I understood better but I'm a little strapped for time right now. Best I can answer is "yes", modify boot.txt when you want to change kernels. You could even have two copies of boot.txt (boot.2nd or something?) and just rename back and forth as needed. Create a shell script to do it for you even: type "boot3.2" and it copies the 3.2 kernel boot.txt, or "boot2.6" and it copies the 2.6 kernel, for example.

As far as boot.txt vs autoboot.txt, the only difference between the two is that autoboot.txt runs automatically and boot.txt needs to be selected from the R-trigger menu. They should be the exact same options, including mmc_core.removable=0.

If you select nothing, (or normal boot) first it checks the SD card for an autoboot.txt and boots from that if found, but if not (typical) it boots from the NANDs autoboot.txt. If you select SD card, then it looks to the SD card for boot.txt and boots from that if found.

You could probably add the following to your bootmenu.txt to boot from SD card

Boot from SD card (3.2)|setenv bootargs debug root=/dev/mmcblk0p3 rw rootdelay=2 vram=6272K omapfb.vram=0:3000K psplash=false mmc_core.removable=0; fatload mmc 0:1 0x80300000 uImage3.2 && bootm 0x80300000

Boot from SD card (2.6)|setenv bootargs debug root=/dev/mmcblk0p3 rw rootdelay=2 vram=6272K omapfb.vram=0:3000K psplash=false mmc_core.removable=0; fatload mmc 0:1 0x80300000 uImage2.6 && bootm 0x80300000

replacing uImage3.2 and uImage2.6 with whatever you've named the two different kernels, respectively.

I haven't tested either of these options personally, I've just copied them and modified slightly, but they should work, maybe.
That makes sense with what I was getting. SO I modify these on the NAND copy of /boot/bootmenu.txt correct?

Also, I could also have boot.txt set for uImage_2.6

and autoboot.txt set for uImage_3.2

correct? then Simply use the right-should and pick Boot_From_SD to use the old Kernel on the SD? And Default Boot for the 3.2?

If you agree that this seems logical I will go play some more. Whats the worst I could do? Reflash the OS.... Argh
Also, I could also have boot.txt set for uImage_2.6

and autoboot.txt set for uImage_3.2
Ah, hadn't thought of that. Give it a try. I'm pretty sure that the "boot from SD" only looks for a boot.txt, but I could be wrong. If it does, it'll work, if it looks for autoboot.txt first (as it does with normal boot) then it won't.
Also, I could also have boot.txt set for uImage_2.6

and autoboot.txt set for uImage_3.2
Ah, hadn't thought of that. Give it a try. I'm pretty sure that the "boot from SD" only looks for a boot.txt, but I could be wrong. If it does, it'll work, if it looks for autoboot.txt first (as it does with normal boot) then it won't.

Yup, that did work. Altering the 'boot.txt' and 'autoboot.txt'! So now I boot off of SD1 to run the old kernel from the SD and Default Boot will run thee new Kernel. so that the boot process IS running them in order under default. Chosing the Menu "Old Kernel" boots from the NAND. This also implies that adding your mod to /media/SD/boot/bootmenu.txt will not work. I would have to apply the mod to the NAND version of bootmenu. Makes sense but probably something i wont do as it REQUIREs more care in what SD is inserted. I will just have the 2 autoboot & boot files give me the choice. Thanks WizardStan. Noww I can boot up easily and run Audacity from the SD.

So MultiBooting is easily solved now. what is the console argument for? It was in my boot but not my autoboot. IT displayed the bootup process I think but psplash=false did not display the Zaxxon boot screen like it does in the autoboot.??


Now if only someone can fix my second problem that I posted but moved to this thread. As I realized it was OT but I still need your help guys.

Broken Root? .bashrc not auto executing.

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psplash=false means "don't display the boot splash" like you say. You can remove it.

mmc_core.removable=0 means "don't unmount removable disks (ie, the SD cards) when going into suspend". If you don't have this, then when you flip the power switch to go into the new super power save suspend mode (3.2 kernel only) it will unmount the SD cards and that can cause all kinds of problems if you have PNDs running or a swap file or something like that. The downside is that if you remove the SD cards (accidentally or intentionally) while it is in suspend mode without unmounting them, corruption of the disk is almost guaranteed to happen. It isn't necessary when booting to the 2.6 kernel, now that I think about it, because 2.6 doesn't have suspend.
I think I found two ways to freeze the Pandora running the new kernel, Beta4. Maybe somebody can try to reproduce and confirm or deny them:


- activate WiFi, connect to an access-point

- de-activate WiFi

- suspend to RAM

- wake up

- directly activate WIFI ... at this pont my Pandora freezes and only a reset helps.


- Plug-in Power supply

- suspend to RAM

- close lid

- remove Power supply

- open lid and try to wake up

I'm getting this freeze, but not with this steps, so I'll have to keep an eye on it

installing the community codec pack is the default way of enabling ntfs
It's located here:


Should be put on the repo also ?

Thanks guys, I'll try it latter.

Wasn't it supposded to make a menu entry under System to install it? I don't get anything.

By the way... Has something changed in pnd_run? I was trying to only mount the CodecPack.pnd by appending -m and it didn't recognized the order.

And last, but not least: is any kind of effort or remote plan on implementing a2dp or reciving files through Bluetooth? Just a little prod.
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Wasn't it supposded to make a menu entry under System to install it? I don't get anything.

yeah it should be located under system..

you could of been struck by a corrupt download.. it's actually fairly frequent issue.. try downloading it again.
-the battery takes longer to charge than I remember it taking with the old firmware. A good 2-3 hours longer.alternatively, battery life has not suffered and may in fact be a little better. I also cannot get it to reach a full %100. it always stops at %98.

Determining the amount of charge is notoriously difficult. I wouldn't be surprised if it's just being a little conservative on its estimate. Or perhaps it's trying to avoid overcharging your battery (and making it puffy).
Here's a bug with PCSXReARMed.

When booting the new Kernel and using TVout (PAL, Composite, HW scaler) the emulator doesn't start.

It starts well with the old Kernel.

It also starts when using TVout (PAL, Composit, Main Layer).

Here's the PND run out:


PND : /media/mmcblk0p1/pandora/menu/pcsx_rearmed_r14.pnd

PND_FSTYPE : Squashfs

APPDATADIR : /media/mmcblk0p1/pandora/appdata/pcsx_rearmed


PND_CPUSPEED : <unset>


ARGUMENTS : <unset>


[ START ]--- Mount the PND ----------

Mounting : mount -t squashfs -o ro "/dev/loop1" "/mnt/utmp/pcsx_rearmed"

Mounting the Union FS : mount -t aufs -o exec,noplink,dirs="/media/mmcblk0p1/pandora/appdata/pcsx_rearmed=rw+nolwh":"/mnt/pnd/pcsx_rearmed=rr" none "/mnt/utmp/pcsx_rearmed"

[sUCCESS]--- Mount the PND ----------

[ START ]--- Starting the application ( ) ----------

SETUP_PLANE: Invalid argument

failed to set up layer, exiting.

Running PCSX Version 1.9 (Mar 4 2012).

Init new dynarec

Loading memory card ./.pcsx/memcards/

Loading memory card ./.pcsx/memcards/

SETUP_PLANE: Invalid argument

SETUP_MEM: Device or resource busy

open /dev/tty: No such device or address

[sUCCESS]--- Starting the application ( ) ----------

[ START ]--- Restoring the frame buffer status ----------

ioctl SETUP_MEM: Device or resource busy

[ FAILED]--- Restoring the frame buffer status ----------

[ START ]--- uMount the PND ----------

[ START ]--- Waiting the Union to be available ----------

[sUCCESS]--- Waiting the Union to be available ----------

auplink:plink.c:223: AUFS_CTL_PLINK_MAINT: Inappropriate ioctl for device

rmdir: failed to remove `/mnt/utmp/pcsx_rearmed': Device or resource busy

[ START ]--- Waiting the PND mount dir to be free ----------

[sUCCESS]--- Waiting the PND mount dir to be free ----------

cleanup done

[sUCCESS]--- uMount the PND ----------


Return code is : 3

I hope this helps.

Everyone can test this bug. You don't need a TV-out cable to test. Simply turn on TV-out.

I tested with and without cable.
Do you have a Tuxsudo, anyone?

Now the test, am I still connected? We will know in 10 seconds....

Great Job Guys.

So I still replaced my About XFCE menu item with a (op_standby) script. I still want a way to edit what apps are in what menu folder without gediting desktop files. Or do I need to hack the pnds?


And why this ramble? Because I am enjoying the improved wifi... Have you guys really fixed it? Seems so, so far! Cause I am posting my first time from Midori on my OP. And stedily pinging google for 10-15 minutes now.

I used grsync to restore my home directory after upgrade (not waiting for beta 5 haha)

I still have to disable settings-helper to have keyboard shortcutss.

SD_installer also placed the 2.6 kernel on the fat boot partition. Glad you guys helped me understand the boot process enough to reset my *boot.txt files to give me my dual-kernel-boot-menu again.

Also. I am using the SD_installer and once again my install on the SD lacks a # for root in terminal when I 'su'. But the install to NAND works properly. Again I had to gvim -s and edit the etc/passwd file and change the root shell from sh to bash. Not on NAND installs I like the prompts to know what and who, especially on remote logins to my VOIP node.

Question. If I remove the cpuspeed or wifi from the toolbar... The launchers must be manually created to have them back. Not something I would want to do often. Couldn' there be a way to add them to the list of items one could add to the panel?

OK, new scrollbar - I agree, I am going to ty 20 and 15. Good size for finger typing but too much for a stylus. Also agree that a script to let the user set this would be easier.

Finally upgraded to b4 after experimenting enough to hose my b3. Why waiste a good opportunity to be free fromwory.

Morning y'all.
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Why did that post from my pandora get the paragraphs in reverse order?

A Bug caught in the web?

I would like to see the Settings/Startup renamed to "Startup Services" as it fits other distros and is more intuitive for new users. If that's agreeable. If not, I guess we will just 'deal with it' ;-) Or include an XFCE program like gconf-editor?

Please, Thank you! And Excellent work.

BTW can I get ssh-keygen in here? It would save typing those long hideous passwords on such a tiny keyboard? ;-)
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Had a great morning using the wifi on my Pandora after upgrading to beta4 . then, suddenly I can still connect to my second router but it takes a long time like under beta 3, and WORSE - no longer can I sftp in gigolo or gftp to my NAS? I was able to breifly sftp under beta3 but after activating dropbear to test beta4, nothing (see below). I am trying to see if it could be anything else but as I am using the same backed-up home directory and appdata directories, I dont think so.

My netbook can connect, to either router and my pandora used to (whever wifi worked under beta 3 that is). Neither filezilla nor putty give me a hassle from the EeePC.

But on my Pandora, I get: "Connection refused by server" which did not happen before.

Gonna try a reboot and the old kernel as well.


So we all know how szb3 and wifi work (Well When I rebooted to beta 3 and DID login to my router. I was able to successfully sftp onto my NAS. Atleast for a while. My login info was accepted and I went to browsing until the wifi locked up as usual in beta3.

However in beta 4 I cant even get past "Connection Refused" in any ssh program.

Any ideas? I have noticed that after my post this morning from the pandora, I enabled Dropbear to test sftp. Now I can not even connect to any routers from my pandora. One ping to google and no more. I disabled Dropbear and rebooted - no change. I now can not connect to anything!
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Installed this beta. UAE4All starts but input doesn't work.

Well, that's because there is no (GP2X-)"gamepadmode" anymore with SuperZaxxon.

So is that the only thing that needs to be changed in UAE4All to make it work with the new kernel?
I would say so - you're already using the updated SDL iirc. Hope you can get this done, I'm missing a few Amiga-only games that aren't better on other platforms :)

Well, easiest would be for notaz to put gamepad-mode back into the new kernel. I don't see any harm in that.

Note with SuperZaxxon you can still hold [R] when switching on the Pandora and boot kernel 2.6 to use UAE4All (which you probably know already).

Still I'll try to adapt the code some time this month.
Well, easiest would be for notaz to put gamepad-mode back into the new kernel. I don't see any harm in that.
The harm is that that becomes a hack that needs to be maintained. Notaz is trying to remove (or promote) all hacks so the Pandora runs baseline kernel.
Alright then. This is going to be a bit fiddly (uae4all's code is quite scattered)...
Back to the above problem. Whatever activating dropbear did (cause that is ALL I did before lunch). I can only get networking by booting into kernel 2.6 and even then - I can only make standard FTP connections. Anything involving SSH wont work. Under 3.2 I can not connect to networks reliably anymore. Beta4 now times out like beta3 did. But again, I can duplicate that I can connect FTP but SSH is blocked.

This is ONLY on the Pandora and only since Today. I have not altered the routers settings since I added permissions for the pandora last night to the same listing as my netbook (Just added the IP). Netbook is connecting fine. And the Pandora was fine this morning except for posting my message in reverse above....

I will reflash beta4 shortly.
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