Survival Crisis Z Clone

ZeroPain posted on Feb 26 2007 at 11:47 AM said:

Other then some control issues this would be just about right to play on the 2x. (I say this with my limited knowledge.)

Anyone know if Totally Screwed Entertainment (SCZ Devs) is still around? Their site is offline and can't get any info.

I think sometime last year, (or the year before) Totally Screwed Software changed it's name to Ska Software

Ska Software seems to have moved away from stuff like Survival Crisis Z in favor of more 2d platformery games.

it was all made in visual basic, so it'd be tough to port I imagine. you had to pay to get the game. and I doubt he'd just give out the source for one of us to try.

it's a shame though, I love that game, it's one of the ones I would have loved to play on the gp2x, as well. the closest we'll probably get is Cyberdogs with any of the zombie campaigns.

also: it's probably best to stay away from their forums. nothing there but spam and mal-adjusted 17 year olds.
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