Technical Nes Question


Reeks of fish
Feb 3, 2004
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My old NES stopped working when I tried to play Megaman 3 which I had just bought. Now I finally got a new NES.... and I am reluctant to try Megaman 3 again. I just wondered if the cartridge could be the one that damged the NES...? Does anyone know if this is possible?
Possible? Most likely, the cartidges act as an extension of the console, (kind of like a RAM chip in your PC) that is accessed, again, like RAM. So like any hardware extension, it has the possiblity of physically harming the rest of the hardware if something is seriously wrong (i.e. you dropped solder on some connections causing a nasty short), etc...

Although I have never heard of it, and I could be wrong, it sounds like it would be entirely possible.
Yeah - like Akuma no Houkon says, a short could cause problems by rerouting current through something that it shouldn't be going through. This can happen because components have overheated too, so it may not be something you've done.
I've got this really buggered up game called temco world wrestling (love it) and it worked perfectly after clening it for ages. No joke hours and hours (I love my NES) and then my sister dropped her doll on the NES and that one game has never worked since!!!!!!