Test This Change To Xigon1 - No Side Scoll


Still Fresh
Jan 22, 2004
The OH thats the new sound FX is just for now, as I dont have any cool sounds to use I must make my own. untill I find a great death sound that one will have to do.
as for going backwards , yes you could hold yours self in a backward drive foR as long as you stay alive , but what fun Would that be. you need to go backwards cause some of my levels will be dead ends. so you will have to back out of them. :) (and remember what way it was so ya dont do it again !)

EDIT3: ----------------------------------------------

OK I DID IT. I put an nice DEath explosion in for when you lose a ship. Also fixed the 2nd lvl so when you complete it you start lvl one again, but with all the cash and score ect from last level (so you can try to get fastest weapons all weapons fast ship and everything) .. I play tested it for some time and I must say hehe " Iam playing it like it's a real game if you know what I mean, I was trying like hell to beat lvl 2 LOL )
Next thing I need to work on is the Boss lvl between the normal lvl and shop at end. also gonna start work on a new gfx set for lvl 3 .

Ok guys I have heard said that the aliens slide too much. so I said "Ok lets stop them and the whole world sliding." .. This change can be reversied with ease. I need to know what you ALL like better the side scroll or the none sliding aliens. It's all about game play at this point.

So lets hear from ya !


PS. sorry about 2nd topic but I needed it to be on the main page to get responses.

Edit1: Yes sorry it is the current download on the xigon page.

edit2: Alpha2. the astroids take the same amount of damage off the ship. The going backwards thing was put there on purpose. You cant back up through any thing and the walls dont damage the ships so thats not really a problem. The reason you feel the ship being hit more is because your ship moves slower now, harder to avoid the rocks. BUT i have put a ship speed up in the shop to make the 2nd level easier to get through. .. I see that you like the playablity better this way right? ... As for the ship expolding-- well i really do need to add that LOL. iam just lazy :)
Well.... let's see

The temp shop works... :)

The enimes arnt sliding anymore...but I notice if I move to the bottom of the screen and keep pushing the screen goes in reverse! making it possible to run into background elements that you thought you passed and was no longer a threat.

I kinda miss the openness that the side shifting gave the levels but for the sake of playability I guess i can live with it.

Also, isnt my ship supposed to explode when I run out of energy so that I know I've exhausted a life? The speed at which the asteroids can take energy from you make it see like I only have one life with multiple shields (I dont remember the last version beinglike that.)
I like the added voices (although the "oh!" when you die isnt very expresive) and the fact that you explode now when the shield is used up is cooler. But, I can still aparently hold myself in one place by backing the screen up.