The I Am Drunk Thread,,,

May 17, 2010
Say hello if you are drunk and shouldn't be posting on forums.


That is my contribution.

Typing this was hard. Okay. Please respect that I am drunk. Posting while drunk is hard. Hello gp32x!
quote said:
SomeGuy99 said:
I am so drunk.
SomeGuy99 said:
I am drunk
SomeGuy99 said:
Please respect that I am drunk.

I don't understand why people post online when drunk. I tend to be out socialising when I'm drinking. :)

Socialising finished. Am home. Sorry for nuisance.

Switch off computer now. Silly me.

Very immature. Big mistake. Sorry so much. Forgive someguy.
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Thought I could handle alcohol. Not true. Bah.

Bedtime. Thanks for listening lovely people.
Hello. there, I contribuyted. I've still got a few beers left, but I'm making chai now, so maybe I'll save the beers for tomorrow.

We should have this thread every weekend. :)

EDIT: regarding being out socializing, yes, I just did that.
Just woke up. Sorry about this pointless thread guys!

I have a very healthy liver, so I feel perfectly fine now. The problem wasn't that I drank too much (5 pints) but that I had it all too quickly (1-2 hours). My mates are very heavy drinkers and kept buying me beer.

Spread out over a night, I can handle quite a lot. I guess my poor little liver couldn't work fast enough!

Also: Chrome spellchecking FTW. Took so long to make that stuff legible.

Back to bed I think.
Fishbong said:
Haha, dont wory Someguy, far more embarrassing things have been posted here drunk.

True! It helps that I overcompensate with politeness.
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does being stoned count?

can I say stoned on here?