Open Sauce Fanatic & AMD Fanboy
name some things you could possibly play using a dance pad and a PC:
Move your mouse around
scroll around on the internet
control your media player
stick it under your desk and use it as a panic button
Play doom
Final fantasy
Fire emblem
front mission
final fantasy tactics
Legend of zelda
bubble bobble
Puzzle bobble
magical drop
Street Fighter (lol)
Racing games ( Need for speed, cruisin USA, etc.)
Tony hawk's pro skater (now that's challenging!)
Plug in 5 pads and map them all to different keys, and then type with it (your workout for the day, just typing a sentence.)
Sonic the hedgehog
Guitar Hero (with some extended mapping, maybe.)
Frets on fire
Desktop Tower Defence (mouse mapping)
Wolfenstien 3D
Metal gear solid
Harvest Moon
Crimson Skies
Have one at your feet and one in front of you on a wall or some fixture, and play punchout with realistic dodging and punching controls (step back to dodge back, dodge left and right, etc. Step forward and punch to punch high, step back and punch to punch low, step diagonally to press select and use the special power, etc. That sounds pretty cool to me (but you'll never beat tyson. =P)
Can anyone else think of some games you could play using a dance pad with 8 buttons (4 directions, 4 diagonals, assuming you can map the "buttons" on the pad to do anything via PC)
I'm seriously thinking of getting one or two just to play around with it. Ahh, lazy weight loss and video game addiction. Seriously, think of how much weight you could lose trying to play final fantasy with a dance pad =D (tap tap tap tap tap tap, magic, tap tap tap, items, tap tap tap, attack, tap tap tap, etc.
Plus it's just something weird to do =D
So, can anyone else think of some games or ANYTHING you might be able to do with an 8 button DDR pad?
Move your mouse around
scroll around on the internet
control your media player
stick it under your desk and use it as a panic button
Play doom
Final fantasy
Fire emblem
front mission
final fantasy tactics
Legend of zelda
bubble bobble
Puzzle bobble
magical drop
Street Fighter (lol)
Racing games ( Need for speed, cruisin USA, etc.)
Tony hawk's pro skater (now that's challenging!)
Plug in 5 pads and map them all to different keys, and then type with it (your workout for the day, just typing a sentence.)
Sonic the hedgehog
Guitar Hero (with some extended mapping, maybe.)
Frets on fire
Desktop Tower Defence (mouse mapping)
Wolfenstien 3D
Metal gear solid
Harvest Moon
Crimson Skies
Have one at your feet and one in front of you on a wall or some fixture, and play punchout with realistic dodging and punching controls (step back to dodge back, dodge left and right, etc. Step forward and punch to punch high, step back and punch to punch low, step diagonally to press select and use the special power, etc. That sounds pretty cool to me (but you'll never beat tyson. =P)
Can anyone else think of some games you could play using a dance pad with 8 buttons (4 directions, 4 diagonals, assuming you can map the "buttons" on the pad to do anything via PC)
I'm seriously thinking of getting one or two just to play around with it. Ahh, lazy weight loss and video game addiction. Seriously, think of how much weight you could lose trying to play final fantasy with a dance pad =D (tap tap tap tap tap tap, magic, tap tap tap, items, tap tap tap, attack, tap tap tap, etc.
Plus it's just something weird to do =D
So, can anyone else think of some games or ANYTHING you might be able to do with an 8 button DDR pad?