This Device Has Amazing Raw Potential

doc5avage said:
A good slogan might be:

Pandora became self aware August 31 2008. Within 1 hour it initiate a massive nuclear attack on all the members of
Hey, that's my 18th birthday! :D
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Kyosys said:
doc5avage said:
A good slogan might be:

Pandora became self aware August 31 2008. Within 1 hour it initiate a massive nuclear attack on all the members of
Hey, that's my 18th birthday! :D

You are entering the twilight zone.....dooo dooo doo ...
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Multi media app - my tv stand has a 27mm gap on one leg, need something to plug the gap. ;)

I'm sure I've seen a thread just like this recently....
Kyosys said:
doc5avage said:
A good slogan might be:

Pandora became self aware August 31 2008. Within 1 hour it initiate a massive nuclear attack on all the members of
Hey, that's my 18th birthday! :D

Well, at least it will be interesting.
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It was DasFool, not I, who made the previous milky statement. As has been mentioned, Milly can import almost all modules (inc .IT) but it only exports MOD and .xm. However, .xm does support 16-bit samples

Unless one of the other establlished trackers decides to go open, I can't see anything better arriving on pandora. Only other option would be to emulate IT via dosbox or whatever, or go oldskool under UAE

As for JACK apps - forget about it. Even 2Ghz+ P4s struggle to avoid xruns. I listed the apps that I did because none of them require JACK. Pandora simply doesn't have enough under the hood for low-latency audio work, ardour etc.
danboid said:
As has been mentioned, Milly can import almost all modules (inc .IT) but it only exports MOD and .xm. However, .xm does support 16-bit samples
yes... i know... i know the differences between the 4 common tracker formats, and xm's lack stereo samples, and have no filters - both of which i use frequently. xm also has no channel panning which is really freaking annoying.
also, im used to .it effects column...

danboid said:
Unless one of the other establlished trackers decides to go open, I can't see anything better arriving on pandora. Only other option would be to emulate IT via dosbox or whatever, or go oldskool under UAE
chibitracker is opensource, low resources, cross platform, and will definitely be ported.

danboid said:
As for JACK apps - forget about it. Even 2Ghz+ P4s struggle to avoid xruns. I listed the apps that I did because none of them require JACK. Pandora simply doesn't have enough under the hood for low-latency audio work, ardour etc.
it doesnt have to be low latency, this wont be any live stuff. i often set buffers up to 200ms, and its no big deal for tracking. besides, thats mostly dependant on how much cpu the apps use - mostly i just want some basic effects, lowish quality that can be replaced with high quality ones later in the final mixing stage.
also, p4s suck, ever 2ghz ones.
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doc5avage said:
A good slogan might be:

Pandora became self aware August 31 2008. Within 1 hour it initiate a massive nuclear attack on all the members of
...I'm federal agent Jack Bauer, and this will be the longest day of my life. :lol:

Beep, boop, beep, boop
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Snu said:
chibitracker is opensource, low resources, cross platform, and will definitely be ported.

Yes, of course, I mentioned chibi in my first post and I have successfully run it on the Zaurus too.

Snu said:
also, p4s suck, ever 2ghz ones.
I know the P4 is hardly state-of art but they are still a damn sight more powerful than the cortex (albeit consuming many times the power and producing much more heat and noise) and most importantly they have SSE2 which are the instructions required to get any acceptable performance out of JACK.

I don't know how you are planning to use JACK 'non-realtime' - thats the whole point. If its effects you are after then you don't actually need JACK at all to use LADSPA plug-ins - Audacity supports LADSPA FX without any need for JACK.
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so the Pandora won't be able to do any jack apps, even with a usb audio interface?
I'm not looking at turning it into a recording studio, but want to get specimen and maybe virtual keyboard going on it to play live.

* hopes start fading *
Well... I would use this thing mainly as an upgrade from my Cowon D2 as a multimedia player. With the built in speakers I'll be tempted to just bump much of my Hip-Hop collection on full bass using it as a mini boombox B)

Hmmmmm... and with VLC it should also play through pr0n... err I mean... elaborate movie collection nicely *cough* *cough* ...umm ....
*throws out smoke screen and disappears* :ph34r: