GP32 This is something I want to do.


I am One with the DarkNss
I want to make a Diablo clone for the GP32. I'm a big fan of the original Diablo, but I really liked the Playstation version of Diablo more. I think the GP32 could handle a low-res clone of Diablo. And I think it would just be hella cool to be part of a team that does it. I am into programming, just haven't gotten around to trying any GP32 development. Well, if anybody's interested, please contact me at I also plan on making a text-based RPG for the GP32 becasue that would probably be a lot easier to do on my own.
NssOne, believe me graphical games are easier to write than text-based ones, at least on the GP32! I was going to do a text adventure, but ended up writing Air Rage® instead, because it was easier.
Well, before I can get started on my project here, I was wondering if anybody could suggest the best IDE for gcc? I would prefer somerthing with a relatively simple setup.
NssOne posted on Aug 8 2003 said:
Well, before I can get started on my project here, I was wondering if anybody could suggest the best IDE for gcc? I would prefer somerthing with a relatively simple setup.
I'd say, why bother with an IDE? Use makefiles, and edit your source with a nice programmers editor like SciTE. It's not like your IDE is going to let you do integrated debugging or visual designing when writing apps for the GP32 anyway. :p
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