Ti 99/4a W/ Sound Added To Gp2xmess


Certified Guru
Nov 13, 2005
New Hampshire, USA

I just added ti99/4a support to gp2xmess. I'm happy to say it runs at full speed w/ the default fs and also has sound.

So this release supports:

Atari 7800
TI 99/4A

I have only tested a few carts, no disks yet. Since I don't have a virtual keyboard you may have to map keys to joystick buttons to get games to run. I have defaulted the '1' key to Start on the gp2x and '2' to the Select button. I gutted the scroll-lock toggle of menus and related stuff but will put it back once I add the virtual keyboard.

Here's some pics:

Boot screen


Parsec (speech works too!!)


My personal favorite, Hunt the Wumpus


I also have been working a lot on Apple ][ emulation. That one is going to be a while longer since I have to re-write the video/blitting code to support downscaling. The resolution xmess wants to run apple2 stuff @ is double-hires which is 560x192. I'm almost done with this work but it's proving difficult since the xmess blitting code is a TON of macros and I'm no video guru. Hopefully emulation speed will be good once I can run it. Just wanted to let those who were looking for apple II know I'm working on it! :)

Just a note too, config files for this driver do not seem to be saved. If someone could check to see if they end up w/ a ti99_4a.cfg after remapping some keys etc, that would be great.

I'm dropping the pre, and probably will go beta once the virtual keyboard is in and after that go to normal releases. Since there are *so* many systems that could be supported I think it's fair to go to normal releases once you support 3 or 4 emulators. B)

A few other changes in there too, check the CHANGELOG. Binary size is now down to 3.5M (sure to go back up again, heh), and some other stuff...

Download here (full src w/ patchset now available too):

Your efforts in porting Apple II are appreciated! Sorry its so complicated.

And congratulations on getting so many systems supported to some degree so fast!
Ahh the TI99/4a, My first computer! Now I can get my "The Attack" fix in!
Well done! Made my night!

Warmest Regards!

Your efforts in porting Apple II are appreciated! Sorry its so complicated.

Heh, I don't think it's that complicated, more I'm code challenged. ;)

What they've done is really cool as far as supporting blitting from any depth to any depth and other stuff, and made it quite modular. But it is *very* hard to read and follow. It will be done soon I hope though. I'm dying to play some Oregon Trail on the gp2x!

And congratulations on getting so many systems supported to some degree so fast!

thanks! I'm going to take a short break and work on some sound effects for the mig01's awesome tilematch game. After 2 weeks of going non-stop I need a little break. I have like 100 or so more systems to get working! ;)

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I also have been working a lot on Apple ][ emulation. That one is going to be a while longer since I have to re-write the video/blitting code to support downscaling. The resolution xmess wants to run apple2 stuff @ is double-hires which is 560x192. I'm almost done with this work but it's proving difficult since the xmess blitting code is a TON of macros and I'm no video guru. Hopefully emulation speed will be good once I can run it. Just wanted to let those who were looking for apple II know I'm working on it! :)


I think most Apple II (all?) games ran at around 280 x 192 though. So remember to shut off scaling when going into that mode or it will look ugly as hell.
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WOW³ :o

I'm in awe .. seriously; I was 10 years old when I got my TI-99/4A for Christmas ... so many memories :D

Thanks so much for all your work
I also have been working a lot on Apple ][ emulation. That one is going to be a while longer since I have to re-write the video/blitting code to support downscaling. The resolution xmess wants to run apple2 stuff @ is double-hires which is 560x192. I'm almost done with this work but it's proving difficult since the xmess blitting code is a TON of macros and I'm no video guru. Hopefully emulation speed will be good once I can run it. Just wanted to let those who were looking for apple II know I'm working on it! :)


I think most Apple II (all?) games ran at around 280 x 192 though. So remember to shut off scaling when going into that mode or it will look ugly as hell.

Yeah, most games do run @ that resolution but xmess seems to take the largest possible on the Apple ][ which is double-hires mode (560x192) double the width. Any thing that fits under 320x240 won't be scaled if possible.

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... yes, I know ... I've asked before, but could someone please help me set up a startup script for the TI-99/4a? I can't figure out how :(