Trying To Make Chrono Trigger Run Better...


Aug 13, 2003
Well, the title and description give you a decent idea of the situation. Trying to make Chrono Trigger play as well as possible using squidgesnes on a MkII GP2X.

I have absolutely no knowledge of how to overclock, so someone would have to run me through that if that was the best way.
Chrono Trigger is an RPG my 9yo wants to play once my GP2X arrives, so I'm tuning in to this...

Don't you want to play it? CT was an uber piece of godness.

No, my son loves playing my GBA, but he just presses the buttons. He likes to play advance wars, but I don't think he gets it yet.
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Chrono Trigger is an RPG my 9yo wants to play once my GP2X arrives, so I'm tuning in to this...

Don't you want to play it? CT was an uber piece of godness.

No, my son loves playing my GBA, but he just presses the buttons. He likes to play advance wars, but I don't think he gets it yet.
Heh heh well if your son is as old as your avatar suggests, I can certainly understand that.

My firstborn (9yo) loves strategy games, and beat most of Advance Wars. She moved on to Final Fantasy Tactics: Advance (GBA) and has now almost beat that game. She hates action games. She likes Diablo 2 (PC) all right, mainly because she can play it with me. Strategy games are still her "thing." She also has LaPucille Tactics (Ps2) and Star Ocean: To the End of Time (PS2) but doesn't put much time into those, because her game playing is severely limited unless she's traveling, which means she loves handhelds way more than dad ever did until I found the GP2X.

My 2nd daughter is 6, and she's quite the opposite. If it requires strategy, it's overlooked. If it's easy to pick up and play, and involves motion, it's much better. As they say - among the same two parents, every child is different.

Me? Don't ask me why, but I want Quake on my GP2X! And ... stuff! There's so much stuff to choose from.

I also want Vektar and Payback once I can afford it.

Edit: Duh, answering your question... I will probably play around with Maria's Chrono Trigger game, but I doubt I'd go through the whole RPG again. The only RPGs that I have beaten clear through more than once are: Final Fantasy Tactics (PSX) and Guild Wars (PC). Even WoW can't hold my ADD-ridden brain, though it made the admirable try and I love the game. Even my favorite console RPG of all time, FFVII (FF7, PSX), couldn't get me to do it all over again.
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My eldest son is 2yo, so he doesn't have a favorite genre, but here's to hoping some day soon, I'll be able to play video games with both my boys.

Chrono Trigger is an addiction for me. I don't mean to but I play it all the way through at least once a year. It's such a great RPG.

I do the same with some books too. Wierd huh?

<----LOL. Yeah that's my son about half a year ago. He loves playing games on the computer.
Hi, I was having the same problem as you, but last night I finally got SNES running brilliantly on the GP2X. Here's what I did;

1) run an overclock script to launch the emulator. To do so, create a textfile *with Unix line endings* (you can use Programmer's Notepad to do this) which reads:


/mnt/sd/cpu_speed 1 1 275 1.6
cd /mnt/sd/Data/Emulators/SquidgeSNES_v0.37a/

cd /usr/gp2x/
exec /usr/gp2x/gp2xmenu

Replace the directory with wherever your emu is stored, and replace the "275" in the second line with whatever CPU speed you can safely overclock to. Start at 240, and work upwards until it crashes. Also, the "1.6" in that line is the gamma setting, change it to whatever looks best with your screen (default is 1.0).

2) In the emu settings, make sure Fast Sprites is ticked, and turn OFF the Frame Limiter.

3) Test the regular 0.37 version of the emu (without the auto frameskip hack), it seemed to work better on some games for me.

Give that a shot and see how it goes. I was getting near to full speed on Contra 3, although Mario Kart and Axelay were still a little slow.

Any more suggestions from anyone?

Well I'm sort of having the oposite problem to you chrono triger and FF4 run to fast for me!!

Try turning the Frame Limiter on?
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