Trying To Remember A Couple Of Genesis Games


Aug 30, 2004
Theres 2 genesis games I want to go back too but cannot remember the titles for the life of me

1. The front cover had a guy and girl on a roller coaster. In the game the girl gets kidnapped, I think, by some magical bad guy, you enter the game as the guy and play though loads of levels in a 2d platformer style. Bright graphics

2. Can't remember much about this one but you shot enemies and they popped?, you could also travel using different baddies leftovers. Bright cheery possible kids game.
Knowing my mind it probally never existed... :unsure:
Marvel Land


The other one sound a bit like Mick and Mack: The global gladiators (Mc Donalds licence).

Or maybe bubble and squeak.

Well for the First one I think it's the right game only I remember the graphics being so much better, with characters that where much taller on the screen.

And thats not the game I'm on about I think I might have been newzealand story or simalar to it at least

Cheers anyway