

Trust the recursion...
May 21, 2003
California, USA
Would anybody be able to port Tyrian? It's like soldier blade for the pce, but soooo much better. It's a dos game. This is one of my favorite games, but i can't play it because I have Windows XP :( . The music in this game also kicks ass. Please try to port this game!
Download a program called VDMsound (there might be a space between the M and the sound but probably not) and then you can run old dos games in windows xp. After you installed it, right click on the game and click "run with VDMS" or "run with VDMsound".
He's asking for a port of Tyrian to GP32, not how to get DOS sound in Windows XP.

By the way, I second that movement, but instead of just Tyrian, why not create a DOS emulator? That way we'll be able to play all the classics from Apogee/3D Realms.
Ranma13 posted on May 31 2003 said:
By the way, I second that movement, but instead of just Tyrian, why not create a DOS emulator? That way we'll be able to play all the classics from Apogee/3D Realms.
Sure a DOS respectively x86 emu would be nice to play some _old_ classics, but it would be way to slow for Tyrian i.e.
As far as i know something like a 286 at 16mhz is about the maximum that _might_ be possible...

However, Tyrian would be the perfect game for GP32 :) and definitely one i would buy if commercially available :)
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Yeah, there's no source released, so far as I know, but we could all mailbomb epic and ask them to port it. Hell - ask them to do Jazz too, and there'd suddenly be a mascot for GP32 :) - and a continuation of a classic platform character.

Anyone got the email address, or a board, or know if they even listen to either of those sources for people asking for ports?
Ok, I've sent the guy whose email is at the bottom of their faq an email asking them to port the things. I'm guessing it'll get chucked straight away, but its better than nothing. I'm assuming no-one knows the emails/homepages/forums of the original developers, though, as it might well be an even better idea to write to them (on the basis that Epic may have lost touch with them given their current focus on the Unreal engine)

Unfortunately, the game was written in Turpo Pascal (along with a multitude of other x86 games) so it wouldn't be an easy port. It'd be a re-write. Which wouldn't be bad, except that it greatly decreases the chances of Epic doing it...
Kai posted on May 31 2003 said:
I wanted to play a game called Pagan. I got it for £1.

It won't work on ME either :(

...and its DOS based :-||
Is that Pagan: Ultima 8?
if so a lot off people hate it, but i think its one of the most underated RPG's ever. Pity it wont run :(
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