Uae4All And Games


Still Fresh
Jan 4, 2011
Hi all,
I'am trying some game in this amazing console for Amiga.
I loved amiga very much!!!! ;)
I read the compatibility list and for example kick off 2 and sword of sodan are working.
Kick off start and during the splash screen is blocked
Sword of sodan start and it stop in Amiga dos writing no command

I do something wrong??

Your probably sorted out already but take a look at this quick guide if you haven't seen it

I cant help further myself, as I've only taken a quick look at UAE4all and I have yet to sort out the correct kickroms to get things going. My wife is looking forward to superfrog and others but is content on her CD32 for now until the TV out cables ship for the Pandora, at which point I will need several iCP units and have the joys of Amiga to look forward to :) Spoilt with too many other options for now anyway!
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Yes I already saw that guide.
I will try to change the rom also the kickstart one
Ah ah Guys with a pandora and uae
Can anybody tell me if the keyboard is already usable in the emulator
I've not noticed many (if any)threads of people complaining it isn't already working and I hope it is, as Pandora was from the outset at least in part, intended to be a portable Amiga, so lets imagine it is for now and be safe in lack of knowledge that certain dev's will no doubt make it so if it isn't already.

A1200 emulation may not be as good as A500 at present but thats all I've heard concerns about.
Can someone post an md5 sum of their amiga kick roms that work? I have yet to get any games to work at all - all I get is a *green* workbench disk appearing.

Make sure to carefully read the documentation file that comes with the emulator...

It does work, but it's not structured very intuitively... for example, you can't tell which disks are mounted and which aren't... there aren't any messages telling you "you did X successfully" or what you did wrong if you didn't, your first clue is when you try out a game and see if it works. Also, you may come across some weird bugs such as a disk refusing to unmount. Also, use "0" or "1" frameskip, never "auto".

It's pretty close to fullspeed, but not as user-friendly and polished as something like PicoDrive, for example.

@Dunny, sorry, I don't know what a md5 sum is or how I'd go about getting one.
Dunny said:
Can someone post an md5 sum of their amiga kick roms that work? I have yet to get any games to work at all - all I get is a *green* workbench disk appearing.

Are your games unzipped?
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Alpha2 said:
Dunny said:
Can someone post an md5 sum of their amiga kick roms that work? I have yet to get any games to work at all - all I get is a *green* workbench disk appearing.

Are your games unzipped?

Yes - just raw ADF files. Should they be zipped?

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Unfathomable Depths said:
Dunny said:
Yes - just raw ADF files. Should they be zipped?


I've been unzipping them. Check yer PMs

Yer a gent. Amiga all working now... What core does everyone use? And can we set the initial options in a config file somewhere?

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BAFelton said:
TomVS said:
Ah ah Guys with a pandora and uae
Can anybody tell me if the keyboard is already usable in the emulator

Yep it is ;)

Just great looking forward to all the classic flight sims ...!
Never enjoyed them on other portable devices because of the lack of keyboard...
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