Ubuntu Edge - Ubuntu Smartphone Announcement?

Would the next Pandora use this version of Ubuntu?
I hope not.
Besides, by the time 'the next Pandora' comes out Canonical has changed directions at least 4 times and we'll be at '20.04 Hipster Hippo' or something.

I really doubt that such a release would have any real impact on whatever this community is up to in 2-3 years.
How does Canonical make money? Other than slapping Amazon integration on their Ubuntu 13, I don't see anything that would allow them to make a profit (or even revenue for that matter)

Dont get me wrong, I freaking love Unity (and Ubuntu for Android) but I don't see how you can make a for-profit company off of a Linux distro
Canonical makes money by selling professional support services to large businesses. It's quite lucrative.
Hmmm. Didnt know! Well I hope that works out for them. I also hope they seriously stop making everything they announce, vaporware
How does Canonical make money?
As of the current time Canonical hasn't made money.  Their business model is thus flawed, but if you mean revenue streams then they do have the Ubuntu App store, to use more common verbage, in addition to paid support strategies like Red Hat, SUSE, and Mandriva are profitable with. 

Would the next Pandora use this version of Ubuntu?
Ubuntu is popular and there's something to be said for it as an alternate OS, but what purpose would there be to using a theoretical Ubuntu Phone spin as the primary on the Pandora?  Angstrom continues to be developed, as for that matter does Mer, and a large point of the usage case for the Open Pandora is it's running a desktop operating system rather then a hobbled operating system meant for phones.  Then there's of course the issues that have been leading Ubuntu faithful to begin jumping ship to things like Mint to consider. 

Personally I'm more interested in the Vivaldi tablet.
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Hmmm. Didnt know! Well I hope that works out for them. I also hope they seriously stop making everything they announce, vaporware
I seriously hope you stop trolling and google up stuff before commenting. Google is btw one the clients of Ubuntu.
From what I've read their "ubuntu touch" will be a complete "linux", but with its GUI aimed for tactile devices.
From the videos I've seen, the graphical interface design looks really nice and some part of it are interesting for phones and tablets.
I hope it won't be too resources hungry…

But since it will allow to run native apps without going through a virtual machine, I guess the same hardware will be able to run android apps ported on touch far better than android.

And no, there are no reason using ubuntu touch on pandora or its successor(s).
Pandora-like devices aren't touch-oriented devices, it's just one of the many input available.
Like Jebe said Angstrom works on pandora, it's a real linux and we have full control over it. Nothing is imposed, we can choose what we want to include or exclude. I doubt it'll be the same with Ubuntu Touch…


Personally I'm more interested in the Vivaldi tablet.
I had never heard of that one, thanks for the info ;)
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but I don't see how you can make a for-profit company off of a Linux distro
Seriously. You never heard of Red Hat.
And the shitload of open-source softwares that have a "community edition" and a "paid-for-support edition"…

Proof that open-source software/os/whatever is a sustainable economy, or else, it would have been forgotten long ago.
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I wasn't surprised by a group making money off of donations and "premium" versions (such as Red Hat) but more that Canonical is a somewhat traditional company, with marketing and travel expenses for trade shows, etc.
Red Hat (1993) is a traditional company, they're selling services : they charge you for support on their open source operating system.

Fedora is the "community edition" of "Red Hat Enterprise Linux".
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I wasn't surprised by a group making money off of donations and "premium" versions (such as Red Hat) but more that Canonical is a somewhat traditional company, with marketing and travel expenses for trade shows, etc.
Seriously, when you know nothing about what you are talking about its better to stay silent and learn. You are just digging yourself deeper everytime. Stop acting like a know it all.
I wasn't surprised by a group making money off of donations and "premium" versions (such as Red Hat)
Red Hat makes money from providing services. Not "donations" and "premium" software.
It is also the first OSS company that has broken 1 billion dollar revenue: http://arstechnica.com/business/2012/03/red-hat-hits-a-billion-dollars-in-revenue-a-milestone-for-open-source/

Ubuntu isn't touching the professional market by far. Most companies that run Ubuntu don't even take any of Canonicals services.

While Red Hat is in a whole different category of market-share.

The bar to work with Ubuntu is also quite low, where Red Hat jobs typically require extensive certifications (typically RHCE or RHCA).
Good luck to 'em. Will certainly make the news if they manage it. :)
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It has unrealistic specs. If it comes out, I might get one. But not until I can actually physicaly hold in in my hand will I give Canonical $600
Well, I risked $600 into the indiegogo campaign.  It hurt also, I need a new cell phone right now, well, not really need, mine still works, but the Atrix 2 is getting sluggish.  I was going to order the S4 Google edition, I obviously had the money, but who is that helping?  Google and Samsung are huge, Canonical is small.

It is a phone I know but every phone is a 'Other Console' now.  Can't wait to hook it up to my gameklip and play games. . .in 10+ months.  Dang, I really want a new phone but I'll wait.

I also like croud-funding, it is like waiting for Christmas.  I got hooked with the Pandora and have since done a few other electronics croundfunded, including Ouya, and yeah, have to be waiting for something now. . .

So did anyone else through down money for it?



EDIT:  I guess since they're asking for so much, $32 million, they instantly charge your card and then give it back if it fails the goal in 30 days or sends it off to Canonical if it succeeds.  I thought I'd mention that since it wasn't clear when I was paying.
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Will this phone have full command line? Lets hope!

This could be as good as the N900! Looks great!

I didn't see the specs, if its good I'm in!