USB GPS Receivers


Still Fresh
Jul 10, 2010
I recently realized that the Pandora would be excellent for navigation, as well as OpenStreetMap editing, if it could use a GPS receiver. So I started searching around, and found several USB GPS receivers that claim to work with Linux. I was just wondering if any of you have successfully used a GPS receiver with your Pandora.
I bought one from ebay sometime ago with data logging and almost okay software. I rather HOPE it works with the Pandora.

Edit: Mine's bluetooth. Works will with the Nokia. I used it many for altitude when fell-walking.
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I think bluetooth is more standardized and therefore a higher chance of compatibility, but either way there's a very good chance your receiver will work.

Here's Spirit from the old community forums demonstrating how he got GPS and navigation working. From there, it's not much more difficult for a sufficiently knowledgeable person to start editing as well.
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Whenever this comes up I reply as follows: "Go for a BlueTooth GPS, there's not much point in using a cumbersome USB GPS".

Specifically, find a BT GPS receiver based on either the MTK chipset or the Sirf Star III chipset. They'll serve you well, have good battery time, and work with any other BT unit you have or may get in the future. My Holux M-1200 was cheap (27 pounds) and works with my Palm (TomTom) as well as my Nokia N800.
Anyone know if GPS-enabled phones kan 'tether'/share over bluetooth/usb?
Anyone know if GPS-enabled phones kan 'tether'/share over bluetooth/usb?
Interesting concept. As most phones are closed source then I can see any manufacture presenting its phone's GPU to the great unwashed.

In other words... I don't know (ik weet niet).
^ cool, at least for Android phones.

So, just pairing over bluetooth with com-ability should bring GPS to the host?

I'm looking forward to the possibilities :)
Anyone know if GPS-enabled phones kan 'tether'/share over bluetooth/usb?
This is supposed to work with some phones. You may need some particular software to achieve this though.

Then again, GPS chips in phones are often more troublesome than stand-alone receivers. The one in the Nokia N900, among others, is an 'AGPS' chip, "assisted GPS". What's terribly annoying about it is its insistence of going online to get its initial ephemeris data plus its initial position (via network location). Without the connection it takes forever (compared to my Holux M1200) to get a fix. (If you even after many attempts actually manage to force it to not go on-line, something you don't want to do with a phone-only connection while on another continent, or even at home, if you don't have a data plan.)

I've now come to hate AGPS thoroughly.
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Donno about USB, but if you want a low price decent BT one, get a Nokia LD-3W - I used one for years with my N800, not the latest/hottest around, but it works hours and hours and had a pretty good and quick fix.

And, if you have a Nokia phone, it uses the same little charger pen as the current nokia's

you find that on ebay for 24 euro...