Use Open Source? You're A Pirate!


Still Fresh
Oct 31, 2006
Yeah, we are all communists and pirates and nazis ...

Edit: Btw. wrong Forum.


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I now desire a position in government so that I can push the Canadian government to consider open source software. Only then, finally, we will be a true communist country like we've always dreamed. :p
Well, the Pandora uses open source so it is the correct forum.

I find it sickening that rich corporations are bullying third world countries into accepting draconian copy write laws. Going as far as withholding business, technology, and medical aid that would help people in these impoverished countries until they fix the problems they have when they don't have the money to do it. So far the only countries on the 301 watch list aren't 3rd world but a lot of 3rd world countries are on the 'watch' list to put on the watch list. I don't see why preventing someone from copying a Micky Mouse cartoon is more of a concern than getting aid to countries or business to countries that need the help. The entire world are slaves to these companies and human life is worth far less to them then silly ideas.

It is even move sickening when you realize that these same companies raped these countries by stealing their natural resources forcing these people into disease ridden cities where they then used them as cheap labor to make their trillions.

Where does it end exactly?
“First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.”

Mahatma Gandhi

I think OS has been at the second stage for a while and has slipped into the third in recent years.
ledow said:
“First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.”

Mahatma Gandhi

I think OS has been at the second stage for a while and has slipped into the third in recent years.
LOL, love it. That sums up FOSS since I used it, Microsoft was ignoring it when I first started using it, then they tried to make everyone think it was a silly toy that couldn't be as good as them, then the first they fought back was when they convinced the Clinton administration that software patents were a good idea. They still tried to down play FOSS after software patents but were not very convincing, they were obviously fighting back. I think it will win over closed source just because there is no advantage over FOSS but advertising will make people think other wise for a while. Heck, FOSS has potential to employ far more people also, but closed source vendors don't want you to know that either.
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second exodous said:
It is even move sickening when you realize that these same companies raped these countries by stealing their natural resources forcing these people into disease ridden cities where they then used them as cheap labor to make their trillions.

Where does it end exactly?
It probably doesn't.
People are evil and greedy. Always. Especially, for some reason, corporate executives. The position attracts greedy people, I suppose, because it's easy to abuse.
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lulzfish said:
Especially, for some reason, corporate executives. The position attracts greedy people, I suppose, because it's easy to abuse.
It's because they're being greedy for a lot of people. One person can be greedy enough when they're looking out for themselves, but when they want to get the most for themselves and everyone that works for them, they can become downright ruthless.
Even my meager annual bonus is because someone way up at the top was aggressively greedy. Granted, they got the biggest cut, but anything that didn't fit in his pockets trickled down until it eventually got to me.
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WizardStan said:
lulzfish said:
Especially, for some reason, corporate executives. The position attracts greedy people, I suppose, because it's easy to abuse.
It's because they're being greedy for a lot of people. One person can be greedy enough when they're looking out for themselves, but when they want to get the most for themselves and everyone that works for them, they can become downright ruthless.
Even my meager annual bonus is because someone way up at the top was aggressively greedy. Granted, they got the biggest cut, but anything that didn't fit in his pockets trickled down until it eventually got to me.
So you're okay with people in 3rd world countries dying of hunger, disease, and violence as long as you get a pay check?!?

I'm only kidding, I know what you mean.
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ledow said:
“First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.”

Mahatma Gandhi

I think OS has been at the second stage for a while and has slipped into the third in recent years.
“Only a degree removed from the animal.”

Mahatma Gandhi (on africans)

dflemstr said:
ledow said:
“First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.”

Mahatma Gandhi
The most awesome commercial in existence [OGG version]:

No, actually stupid. You could make the same video for, say, creationism, (except for near the end of course)
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Chest Rockwell said:
dflemstr said:
ledow said:
“First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.”

Mahatma Gandhi
The most awesome commercial in existence [snip]

No, actually stupid. You could make the same video for, say, creationism, (except for near the end of course)

I thought the commercial was really great. Good music too. Thanks for mentioning it, dflemstr.

@Chest, aren't you going further to prove their point since you seem such a Microsoft supporter (weren't your avatar AND sig both related to windows?)
That being said, I like Microsoft and I like Linux. I don't particularly care for the Red Hat distro for personal use, but I like that enterprises are willing to use it. Also, why are you always so hateful? What does it really get you?
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rabidpoobear said:
Chest Rockwell said:
dflemstr said:
ledow said:
“First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.”

Mahatma Gandhi
The most awesome commercial in existence [snip]

No, actually stupid. You could make the same video for, say, creationism, (except for near the end of course)

I thought the commercial was really great. Good music too. Thanks for mentioning it, dflemstr.

@Chest, aren't you going further to prove their point since you seem such a Microsoft supporter (weren't your avatar AND sig both related to windows?)
That being said, I like Microsoft and I like Linux. I don't particularly care for the Red Hat distro for personal use, but I like that enterprises are willing to use it. Also, why are you always so hateful? What does it really get you?
Uh nice going commie, trying to play me off as a micro$oft suppporter. uh no my signature said MICROSUCK and had DEVIL BILL GATES and my avatar was anti microsoft too.
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