Release Visualboyadvance V1.7.2.1


Staff member
Mar 4, 2003
I just had half an hour of free time, so I grabbed the already existing VisualBoyAdvance, included notaz' hardware SDL, different scaling options and picklelauncher.

As it uses hardware scaling, you can set the filtermode before running the PND as you like (blurred or non-blurred).

GameBoy and GameBoy Color run fullspeed at 500MHz, GBA is slow - better use gpsp for it.

Enjoy :)

Download: VisualBoyAdvance
EvilDragon said:
GBA is slow - better use gpsp for it.

Is there a native port of Gpsp for the Pandora yet, or is it still run through Ginge?
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Can anybody comment of the pros/cons of using this for GB/GBC versus gnuboy?

I'm assuming something here is better given that ED did the latest release of gnuboy and felt compelled to do this.
Why not port VBA-M instead? It has a lot of improvements over VBA, including in the GB/GBC emulation, for instance in audio quality.
Exophase said:
Why not port VBA-M instead? It has a lot of improvements over VBA, including in the GB/GBC emulation, for instance in audio quality.
Feel free to port it. YOU are the Coder here. ;)
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I'm not porting anything, and I don't personally care to use it. I just think if you're going to spend the time doing stuff like this and can port things in half an hour it's worth going for the better versions.
Exophase said:
I'm not porting anything, and I don't personally care to use it. I just think if you're going to spend the time doing stuff like this and can port things in half an hour it's worth going for the better versions.
VBA-M have abandonned the SDL renderer to use GTK instead. Previously it was using Xrender acceleraion for the graphics but this is also disactivated from the code now and it is only using a GL renderer.
So while bringing VBA "just" mean recompiling it to our pandy, porting VBA-M is an other story.
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Oh, that's pretty lame. Wonder whose idea that was. Obviously GL isn't really a good option for all platforms.. you could probably port it to ES 2 without much headache, but there'd be a big performance hit using it over the framebuffer.
And I didn't port anything, just grabbed the already ported PND and slapped Picklelauncher and notaz' SDL around it ;)
Exophase said:
you could probably port it to ES 2 without much headache
Errr, no gles for me.
But luckily someone did that for us :) (thanks to made me have a look ;) , all the webos stuff have to be removed, but that's vba-m with some arm optimizations and a gles renderer)

BTW I think you'll want to read what its author have to say about you ;)

EDIT: before someone get exited, I dont have a pandora currently and wont see a PC for the next month (holydays yeahh) so I wont work on this in a foreseable futur. Ohh and i'm not into emulation. But I tough sharing that link could give someone a project idea ;)
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