What Applications Are You Looking Forward To?


Wake me when it's over.
We have a thread about what games we want ported and which emulators we want first so we might as well make it a hat trick. What types of non game related applications are you looking forward to running on Pandora? Web browser is the obvious one that I think we are all looking excited about. I'm looking forward to having some kind of music/loop mixing application. I think that the wide touch screen interface would be awesome for something like that. Storage space shouldn't be a problem anymore. You could dedicate the second SD slot to loops and rendered music whild leaving the first one for everything else. What do you plan on doing with Pandora when you aren't playing games?
You pretty much nailed it for me too. I'd love to see a mod tracker ported, maybe Milkytracker which was already ported to ARM/GP2X by the official team. The keyboard and the wide screen will make this a pleasure to use and will be a great motivator to learn new things :) The touch screen could be used to draw new instruments.

I'd also like to see a compact ide/compiler kit for programming languages such as C, Python, Fenix etc. Such things may not be practical for everyday usage, but once in a while like when on a long boring trip they could come in handy (as if anyone would actually code while sitting on two SDs pumped full of games :D)
I'm intending to use it as pocket calender, so pda like application implemented to the menu would be nice to me. Media player will be more important than that, but I believe we will have working one from day one.
Open office like program for word and powerpoint files would be handy for a student like me.

Downloading / Watching PD movies from www.archive.org, listening to my favourite web radio, etc.

I'd also like to see Inkscape working on the Pandora, this way I could sketch some simple SVG illustrations on the go with the stylus !

TV out would be a nice way to show my work to my customers, as the Pandora is lighter than my laptop :)

And it will be easy to send e-mails with the keyboard !

Bye, Magic Sam
I want to see wireless encryption, samba client, media player, and all those debian arm packages.

To me this means playing xvid, divx, mp3 from my media pc. Plus maybe a mythtv player to play live tv/recordings.
Magnulus said:
Photoshop CS3.

If I don't get that, I'm not buying the Pandora.

I want to see a Graphic Software to. I think this should be a standard app for a Touchscreen Device. :) Just a good and simple to use GFX Software to make Icons, Graphics, etc. And please more than .BMP support! (like the only GP2X Paint progamm).

And a Movie Player with ".srt" support who really play all common formats and not like the GP2X Standard Player who doesn't play nearly every second .avi File.
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  • Python interpreter for quick coding on the go
  • Text editor with syntax highlighting
  • Simple drawing application to draw up some quick graphics for small games made in Python
  • Music player with support for all common formats
  • Web browser
  • Windows Live Messenger client
zacaj said:
Web browser, a port of Nitro or Milky tracker, and atleast a good text editor and gcc
Im looking forward for:

+ good email client similiar to ProfiMail from symbian devices
+ good file explorer similiar to Xplore from symbian devices
+ good mozilla / firefox or Opera Mini browser
+ J2ME games emulator sililiar to the one from PSP
+ good IRC client
+ good plugin instant messaging app similiar to miranda IM from win 9x/xp
+ sync utility similiar to my emudownloader but for pandora
+ adjustable media player with many formats :D
+ at least working DJVU format reader
+ PDF reader clone
+ mini office app
+ good and bug free SDK :D
+ adjustable / extendable OS for pandora. Not like crappy hardcoded, GP2X pseudo-OS or JXD 301 OS
+ few good emus [ hmm... PSX ]
+ few good 3D games [ homebrew ]
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  • Web browser, flash and java would be nice
  • IRC
  • Movies and videos
  • Music
  • Homebrew games
  • Emulators
  • Commercial games, maybe
browser with flash and java, OO or at least abi word and gnumeric, media players, torrent client, pidgin, gizmo (or even skype..that is only a dream), fb reader, pdf reader, remote control tools.. + quake 3, freeciv, wormux, globulation...
I would like to see,
  1. A good web browser like Fire Fox.
  2. A PDF reader.
  3. A media center.
  4. A instant messenger.
  5. A program that is like word and power point.
  6. Maybe a program like photoshop.
  7. And of course games and emulators.
StreaK said:
+ sync utility similiar to my emudownloader but for pandora
Actually, I plan on writing up a quick script (bash, or something) that'll synchronize with your desktop using rsync. I'd love to have the entire file-system, SD cards included, set up to synchronize (and thus be backed up) with my PC so that new software downloads go to the sync directory on my PC, then easily synced wirelessly to my Pandora. :)

So far, my uses are (bolded for speed reading, as StreaK did):
  • Listening and watching podcasts such as Revision3
  • I often have debates with people in theological and political matters, so I'd really like to be able to write notes
  • Store re-encoded movies, DVDs, etc., so that, if the occasion calls for it, I can (privately or with friends using TV-out) watch whatever whenever
  • Web-based "pager" software I hope to whip up that lets one of my close friends buzz me with a quick message
  • I often go to conferences and other places of learning, so being able to take notes and look things up on the fly for extended periods of time would be awesome. I dragged my laptop around before, but I always had to look for an outlet because the battery wouldn't last the 4+ hours I needed it for. (The Pandora will survive, especially with the planned spare battery purchase).
  • And the obvious SSH(+VNC?) connection home if I find I can't do whatever I wanted to do on the Pandora.
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I'll probably put a zip and rar unzipper on there, unless of course it's built into the UI.

A paint program and quick notes app would be handy too.

I'd like to think I'd use an Office app, but I'd probably only use it in emergencies.

DivX/XviD player

High-featured image viewer/slideshow/comic viewer

Cool tech demos
i'd like to see:

- a web browser (of course)
- a news feed reader
- an IM client (pidgin would be nice)
- comic book viewer
- divx/xvid player
- music tracker, recorder, sequencer
- other music apps like iano and pocketguitar on the iphone