What are you playing this weekend/these days?

I just got Max Payne 3 in the steam summer sale, really looking forward to cracking into that later
I spent a few hours on Monster Hunter Tri, earlier (first time in a while, since I don't much like being tethered to a television). Very much hoping that Monster Hunter 4 will get a localisation, now!
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+ added day night cycle, the patch creator could have done so much more with this. :(
i really should finish Okami one day....it was a very original and great game. even though it had a huge underground following, it didnt nearly get the respect it deserved
Front Mission 3, still. Shanghai, here I come!

I just wish it wouldn't crash as often as it does.

I finally folded, bought Skyrim on the steam summer sale. there goes the rest of my motivation.
Im playing aktually Tales of Abbyss, New Super Mario Bros 2, and Heros of Ruin on the 3DS XL

On the Pandora im play aktually Final Fantasy IX on the PCSX Rearmed Playstation Emulator,

And for the PC, i just got Guild Wars 2 this Morning, but as im on Work now, i have to install it at the Evening,

I want to play as a female Asura Enginere.., this would be fun :)