What are you playing this weekend/these days?



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Finally vacation after 15 months :)

Got around to adding all my humble bundle games to Steam, finished World of Goo and I'm now playing


I am not an RTS guy but this one captivated me.

Also bought Interstellar Marines on Steam. Gunplay is still a bit weird in that one, hipfire madly inaccurate as you can't really hit a target standing three feet in front of you. Spraying bullets with an assault rifle. I mean, in real life that would most likely result in swiss cheese even from an untrained shot. And you can't duck or go prone. Still, hoping that this turns out to be a cool scifi-coop shooter, it's still early access and subject to change. Looking forward to what they'll make out of it.
My Girlfriend and me play often in 2 Player Mode DRMario the Snes Version.

First i win often but after a While i loose against my Girlfriend when she is warmplayed ;)
Shadowrun Returns


Fallout-like gameplay, nice graphics and new scenarios from the community.
Hotline Miami on Sony PSVITA

Just bought the Game today and played a bit

First, i was a bit anoyed about the divicult of the game,

If your enemy hit you first, your death and you have to play from the last checkpoint,

But then, this divicult and the chalenge it brings makes a lot fun..

The game itself isnt for chields at its bloody and cruelfull etc its a bit like a 80tes trash movie..

Terraria on Sony PSVITA

Also bought this game today, and its not that divicult (and cruel) as Hotline Miami) its more like a 2d Minecraft and also a lot fun.., i just build a house of coplestone and cravtet some things..

Limbo on Sony PSVITA

Also bought this Game today

Its also divicult, i ditnt came far..

Patapon 3 , PSP on Sony PSVITA

This Game, i also bought today is realy cool because the rytm based strategi game play, and the cool Musik. .

Pon pon pata pon.. patapatapatapon... :)

Wonder why my Vita the whole yeahr dit li around..
hum, I've not played that for a long time... I'm only Major Arch-Vile atm...
Finally after about 50h I finished Grandia and started with "Sword of Mana", which looks and plays great with 2xsal-filter on Pandora.

I just hope gpsp does let me play finish it and not throw random crashed at me further in the game like in Mario & Luigi which I had to abort.
Have you tried GBA.emu?  I have found it doesn't crash in the same places that gpsp does.  Not sure of the performance comparison though
