What Ever Happened To "friends" Game?


Active Member
There was a cool game (called friends) on this gamepark brochure.
all of the other brochure games shown are out. Was this a game that just never made joygp, and is it out there?

Also, what happened to k2yaa.net and their "Let's break them all" freeware game that was shown on www.gp32news.com.

Just curious.

I believe Friends was cancelled and is in the GP32 news "cancelled games" section. But as for Lets break them all, it will probably be released in a couple of weeks. Be patient like when we waited for free GPCinema. Does anyone know if a new firmware will be released to us with non-blus?
Yepp, I'm still waiting for that game!! Unfortunately I think it was canceled as well, the developer hasn't replyed all my emails.
Friends and CF were cancelled.

Last time I talked with Team K²YAA, they decided to stop all developpments on GP32.

The GP32 has lost one of it's biggest developer :(
I announced it on french forums (link below) a few weeks ago.

The sad side of this is they had several programs in dvpt.
(2 games, etc.)

They wanted to see what would result with the european launch. Maybe if it's a big success they will come back ? But don't hold your breath :(
Oh ok. Yeah I was looking forward to Lets Break Them All. They are probably going to wait till the Euro/Spanish launch or something because I'm sure that it would have been made a bigger deal if they really did pull out.