What is up between ED and Craig?

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Well-Known Member
Dec 13, 2012
Ok, I hope this question isn't too "taboo" but I'd really like to know. What is the issue to between Craig and EvilDragon? I've heard about money issues, disagreements on design, and lack of communication all as factors.

Could anyone knowlegeable on the subject further explain what's true,y going on between those two?
Really, read the threads in the newsforum and you get a good picture.

No need to make a new thread about it.

I think they are both mature enough to speak about their differences in private.
I don't have the time or inclination to sift though the news section to find out what's going on and it seems like no one has the inclination to provide that information. From what I gather Craig ripped off people by selling pandoras he didn't have and he spent the money on rent that he was supposed to use on buying said pandoras. He and ED are arguing about the future direction of the Pandora project and may part ways but they're still taking and getting along in any case. Basically everything I've heard seems to contradictory to the next bit of information that cones out and no one really knows what's going on except there's a lot of people who put out a lot of money and didn't get anything and everything is a confused mess.
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If you get rid of the first statement then that's a summary I don't think anyone's going to disagree with. (Oh yes they will! Oh know they won't! &c.)

[snip!] ... He and ED are arguing about the future direction of the Pandora project and may part ways but they're still [talking] and getting along in any case. Basically everything I've heard seems to contradictory to the next bit of information that [comes] out and no one really knows what's going on except there's a lot of people who put out a lot of money and didn't get anything and everything is a confused mess.
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It's funny but Craig came on here a few months back offering a number of classic pandoras with the silver case, upgraded nubs and cables and I bought one and got it within two weeks. Then I read a lot of people aren't getting their orders. It's pretty odd. If you have pandoras shouldn't they go to people who bought them years ago?
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Those were CC units with 256 MB ram, that had some flaws or were refurbished afaik.

The original preorderers seem to be entitled to get a 512 MB model.
It _is_ a mess, but its not _that_ hard to understand...

High level (cutting out a lot of details and history).. the very show 10 secon version is..

There were multiple batches of (pre-)orders at each store (ED and Craig are separate stores, as are ithic and anyone else selling the device.) Craig got the largest set of pre-orders.

Many crazy things happened (volcanos, mudslides, CC being a bad company who ripped off the production..) -> leading to multi-year delays in assembling shippable devices in quantity (also, devices cost more to make than the original sell price)

After awhile, people requested refunds, mostly from Craig (due to his higher queue size, perhaps due to lack of communication or other factors)

--> Craig doesn't have the money to pay ED (who is now doing the production) for new units, but still owes people a pile of units

Then 1ghz machins came along, and Craig sold a pile of them .. got the cash, but more refund requests came and he sent the cash away to them, and thus has new orders he can't fulfill

So the Craig story is .. he has 2 or 3 queuers of pre-orders, and no devices to send them, and no money for refunds, and no money to order new devices from ED.


ED has devices in stock; new buyers from ED get a device in a couple of days.

it 'seems unfair', but ED is not Craig; ED has sent piles of units to Craig without payment, so he cannot keep doing this.. he can't go deeper in the hole to help Craigs situation, as he's alreayd in the hoel quite a lot from this. So no more units flowign from ED to Craig out of the blue.. ED is owed a rather large pile of money. (ED also has a queue, but its getting very small, and he's shipping those units out as he can. So yes, new orders get filled instantly, but EDs queue orders also get filled.. for every unit new sol, he can fund a unit to a preorder as well.)

ED is _also_ sending units to craig to send to Craigs preorder queues, when ED gets a sale of two of various units. ie: He's sending 'free' units to Craigs queue customers.

ie: ED is spending all his proceeds on Craigs customers, to help them out of the hole.


Its a bit messy, but it 'adds up'.. This creates friction though, with Craig taking money and sending it out to refunds, and ED bailing Craigs customers out on his own pocket.

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Good summary jeff - I hadn't twigged that ED was sending units out of his profit to Craigs queue - the bloke should get a knighthood (although Sir Evil Dragon doesn't sound quite right).

Maybe I'll get mine one day... :rolleyes:
Those were CC units with 256 MB ram, that had some flaws or were refurbished afaik.

The original preorderers seem to be entitled to get a 512 MB model.
No flaws just refinished. You'd think someone who's been waiting for 3 plus years would have a stab at refinished unit that just needed nubs and an LCD cable
Yeah, but they also made Craig some money he clearly needed.
...buy each of them a phone and add eachothers numbers into the contacts app ;)
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