Why are there two Trading sections?

the former is for trading pandora only while the later is to trade any goodies you have.

The split is to make it easier to find a pandora (all options are in "Getting a Pandora")
Afaik, the section was made to have a "go-to" place for old preorderers that covers all bases. It was a "reaction" of ED back when everything was moved to ED and it became clear that Craigs numbers weren't really "in order" and because of that not all preorders could be fullfilled.

As there seem to be still some people popping up that don't know that things went south, I guess this should be left as it is (at least till the "get Pyra for production costs if your and old preorderer" thingy is through)
That's fair enough, but I don't really see why we've got two trading fora still.  One in 'get a pandora' would work for most purposes IMO - I don't see many people selling general hardware here.  Anyone trying to sell other hardware on occasion could still post offtopic/other consoles or the underused offtopic/Dragonbox shop stuff.
11 non-Pandora trade posts in the last year, so not really enough to have their own section. But I think it's better to mix them with Pandora trade posts than to mix them with discussions.
Hey! I was about to start a thread about this.

I totally agree that we need one Trading Section as you theoretically can trade pandoras in both. 

Will talk to ED about this soon as we should rid of the one in the Pandora section.
If there is a Pandora specific part of the trading section we only need one.  I need to look at how everything is organized again, but I think an entire "where  can I get a Pandora" section can be moved there.  Not sure if old preorders would be confused by that. 
Before merging the "where to get a pandora" with the offtopic trading, wait for all the distributors to have sold all their pandora.

I know linux-swat still have 2 to sell. Dont know ekianjo and link stock. But keep their head-start until they don't need it anymore